Title: School Days
anakhai and her crush. :))
Summary: Just listen to Hey Say BEST's School Days. It practically spells it out.
Warning: I fail at this. I don't know how to do it. Haha!
anakhai should beta this XD I wanted to post this for you early this morning, haha, coz we were so bored but my WiFi died. hoho~
I was seated at the second seat from the back of the window-side of the classroom.
It was the perfect place to observe you from behind.
Your hair. Your smiles when you face towards this direction.
I could only sigh and lock my feelings inside my bag.
Intense jealousy, painful yearning...the pain in my chest...
I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what this feeling was...
I badly wanted to grab your hand and take you somewhere far...
far from anybody, everybody...so that you can finally be mine and mine alone.
I wake up from that dream every single day.
But today was different. I called you out to meet me at the back of the school building.
But we did nothing. Just stared at each other.
If I get that chance to look you in the eye, I become weak and useless.
My body doesn't move and this scares you the more. You tend to look away shyly.
So I tried. Again and again.
I wrote you my love letters because I was always tongue-tied.
It was the only way I could tell you how I feel without looking stupid.
I'm sorry but we can't be just friends anymore. You have captivated me...My Angel.
"Yabu-kun! Daydreaming again?"
The whole class laughed. But it was only your laughter that I listened to.
You looked back at me, wondering what I was daydreaming about.
How I wish I could tell you it's about you Ana.
FAIL! BUT AT LEAST I TRIED~ gambaretsugo! :)))