My computer experiened the equivalent of a minor cardiac arrest, and I was ever so worried it was going to escalate into a full blown heart attack, but a quick resusitation (read: Two hours of frantic reinstalls) saved the day. And huzzah! My hard drive isn't lost.
I felt like making an update on par in terms of life significance with all of yours. The event I am about to describe sent my mind reeling, and I doubt I shall ever look at the world in the same way
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For the moment, I've finally finished installing all the programs I need and have started the long process of skinning. Everything will be custom, from the start bar to the cursor to the icons to the login screen to the widgets (uber fun). Joy!
I've run out of ways to describe Jess. All the same, I enjoy my time with her immensely =)
Windows keeps asking me if I want to safely remove my hard drive. What it fails to realise is that it is installed upon that very hard drive. It's almost as if Windows is begging me "Please! Please remove me from your awesome new computer!"
However the printer and network are successfully connected.
My new computer is fully wired up and functioning like it should be =) It is now as a blank slate for me to mold to my will. Although at the moment it's kind of overwhelming. Where do I start? I *must* get rid of this nasty WinXP skin sooon
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