I need plot bunnies. HALP!

Jul 12, 2011 21:25

I snagged another three-prompt for the hoodie_time challenge, and this is what I gots ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

tahirire July 13 2011, 03:47:09 UTC
OMG, I so feel you on this one. I used to write for this monthlyfic prompt exchange com and the hardest one I ever had was: Gordon/Lily; t-shirt, meatballs, toothbrush, "Give me my damn eraser!" O.o

But my favorite thing to do is take what I know the prompter wants and do the exact opposite. Heh. For instance, one time I got: Sam, gingerbread house, chocolate icing, picture, “I don’t remember it looking this shabby.” I wrote it twice - once as a hopeful gen prompt, and once as an extremely dark UST-ridden Sam/Ruby + knife play story, LOL. Guess which one I like more.

Anyway, this is tricky depending on who you feel more lean towards as far as POV goes, but SPN is RIFE with opportunities for torture fic, and Dean with Alistair or Dean in Hell would cover all three of those nicely. HOWEVER. Since it is HC, there has to be some C, also, so twist it up a little. I like writing pieces where it LOOKS like one thing is happening and then .... so not. Lol. (IE: Repo Men) So maybe write an entire fic where it sounds like we are getting ( ... )


icanhazpie July 13 2011, 04:08:09 UTC
Jeebus, some of the crack prompters come up with, eh? But for all that, I actually thought it was easier to be given multiple specific prompts. I knew the requirement was a ship (D/Hr) so I had the basic conflict, then add a prompt (Voldemort winning the war) for the bunny, finish plot outline by fleshing said bunny out with the other two prompts. Hermione was a spy/mole. It was grand. It's still my favorite fic ever.

These prompts are way too general, if anything. I could do a thousand things with this, and nothing is particularly striking me, if that makes sense.

I go by spells. My thing, if I have a "thing", is satirical angst where you giggle and sob at the same time. At least according to commenters. And then I get spells where it's all PWP and squeebait. The muse must be in a squeebait phase.


tahirire July 13 2011, 04:13:20 UTC
Lol, true.

School has been keeping me so busy lately that my fic muse has declared vacation ... but I have a feeling maybe soon I'll be back into thinking mode. One thing I like to do is troll the sharp teeth comment fic meme for good horror prompts. http://sharp-teeth.livejournal.com/


purple_carpets July 13 2011, 05:58:30 UTC
Yay, you're doing it toooo!

I probably wouldn't use all three prompts for one story, mostly because several people asked about doing just that and maypoles told them it was against the rules. I don't think people will want to burn you at the stake for ignoring her, but it *is* her comm and her challenge, y'know ;)

Heee, I love your definition of 'seizure' because that's exactly the approach I'm taking with my last three angst_bingo squares.

Hm, 'electrocution' makes me think of S6, Dean electro-torturing that aloha vamp* and maybe later breaking down because he's scared he'll fall back into his torturer way. Soulless!Sam can be extremely, cracktastically bad at pretending to care and provide comfort.

As for non-con...what I haven't seen in ages is a fic that deal with the fallout of YED!John raping Dean. I'm totally in love with the trope and the only ones I can find were written several years ago.
also, I have a picture in my mind where Dean gets coerced into sleeping with his evil Chemistry teacher and then he can't tell anyone and he can't even ( ... )


catsintheattic July 13 2011, 08:09:43 UTC
Electrocution made me think of the S6 episode when Dean had to torture Bobby while Bobby had the Mother Worm inside him. So maybe Dean is all angsty about what he had to do and it's Bobby's or Sam's job to comfort him? Maybe waking up from a nightmare that's mixed with Bobby and John and how Dean could never live up to his father figures? And then we also have Dean's speech about "blanket apology" (in the same episode, I think), which could come before he gets all torn up about what he did to Bobby, so that the others could quote his words back at him.


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