I need plot bunnies. HALP!

Jul 12, 2011 21:25

I snagged another three-prompt for the hoodie_time challenge, and this is what I gots:

# sexual assault/abuse (non-con)
# electrocution
# seizure

Aaaand I'm coming up with some cracktastic ideas (there's this one with Becky the Superfan writing Wincest non-con and mailing it to Sam) but none are even remotely hurt/comfort. My inner muse seems to have pulled out peppermint Schnapps and a rubber clown nose, and she will not be moved. Yes, I know, she's a very strange muse.

So. Hurt/comfort, those prompts. I envision really challenging myself by doing all three* in one fic, but I'd settle for just one damned good plot bunny at the moment. And I'm thinking I'm good with bending the rules by claiming "seizure" has more than one meaning, which includes "kidnapping" or "someone steals the Impala". If this stirs any brainstorms on my flist, I will love you forever.

Ready? Ready? GO!

* I was a D/Hr shipper as a Potterfen, and on an exchange community I once was given three prompts, ALL of which had to be filled in one story. They were "Voldemort winning the war, fake wands, nothing happy". AND I DID IT. You'd think if I can fill those prompts, I can fill anything.
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