And now for your regularly scheduled Pimpery

Jul 14, 2011 10:06

I said I'd be doing recs on Thursdays, and I missed a couple of weeks so I'm giving out a couple extra today. As always, if you're interested in seeing what I read and liked, checked the masterlist up yonder. (I'm also trying to avoid reccing things that already made recent appearances on the rec comms, which complicates things, but let's spread the love, eh wot?)

First Dance, by vicious_sock. Comments: Soooo funny. Bobby's face and Sam's wibbly tears cracked me up, though I admit to not getting the reference until I read the comments. *is not down with pop culture*

Fun with Real Audio Ads, by Two Chicks on Facebook Whose Names I Do Not Know. Comments: The Real Men Of Genius bits are the best parts, and Sam rubbing his ass. Will watch and LOL again!

This Ain't Madness, by minviendha. Comments: DUDE. Batshit!Dean is hot. And also batshit. Prepare to have your mind blown by the awesome creepy batshit that is this fic. Read her warnings coz I ain't sayin' shit, nope. This remains my favorite in my rec list, and that's saying something. Not sure on the word count, but it isn't long. 1000 or less (ish).

The Hustle, by borgmama1of5. Comments: It's adorkable, has a great narrator style and it's about pool, which means I find it very smishable. *smishes* It's brand-new, which is cool because it's perfectly positioned to be a palate-cleanser after the previous rec. 300 words.

Convergence, by tahirire. Comments: There's something intangible about this, and after seeing the three fics I've just recced I conclude I've got a thing for slickly cool, perfectly crafted endings. This has one. So do the others. 386 words.

In A Minute There Is Time, by proxydialogue. Comments: Caaaas. One of the things I love best about our psychotic little angel is his struggle to understand human emotions and the way we interact. This fic does a great job of showing this aspect. 733 words.

Don't forget, R&R! Comments are love.

fic, recs

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