Speaking the Language

Jun 12, 2011 10:25

Title: Speaking the Language
Rating: PG
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Gen, Crack
Wordcount: 559
Disclaimer: Kripke has pretty toys and was nice enough to let me play with them. Not mine, not mine, not mine.
Summary: Castiel ponders the divine, earthy colloquialisms, and strange allergies.

Humans have never had gills. That is a myth. )

cas, hurt/comfort, fic, h/c bingo, dean

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Comments 16

rince1wind June 12 2011, 16:01:47 UTC
Great! Liked this a lot. Poor Castiel.
I knew a little kid once who overheard one of a group of adults talking. At someone's remark, a surprised and worried expression came over his face. I said, "What's up?"
He said, "How can you kill time?"


icanhazpie June 12 2011, 16:10:00 UTC
You are quite likely the only commenter who will understand why I tried to work "continuinuumuum" in (gave up; author in-jokes are Not Good Idea).

I glomp you, mutual Pratchett fan! *glomps*


rince1wind June 12 2011, 17:29:43 UTC
Glomming back atcha! Are you going to be at the NADWCon next month?


icanhazpie June 12 2011, 18:00:46 UTC
Alas! I satisfy my Discworld obsession by merely re-reading the entire series constantly. (Fo realz. I finish the series, then go back to the beginning of the shelf and start over.)

Night Watch is my favorite.


depulvis June 12 2011, 16:33:07 UTC
This is great. I love Dean's last line.


purple_carpets June 12 2011, 17:26:27 UTC
Hey, I love your Cas. I'm still trying to talk myself into writing him. He scares me for some reason. But your is perfect with his confusion and innocence and the tiny bit of sarcasm he picked up from the Winchesters. *pets Cas' head*


icanhazpie June 12 2011, 18:03:37 UTC
Awww. *sheepish*

I handed this over to my beta in terror, knowing it either worked really well or failed on all counts.

Thanks, love!


deangirl1 June 12 2011, 17:44:21 UTC
OMG! This is beyond awesome... You have completely captured Dean and Cas - love the dialogue! And now I feel completely intimidated by my own motion sickness square... it will be urine compared to this....


icanhazpie June 12 2011, 18:08:47 UTC

I am glad you liked it!

Yeah, that square made me nervous, so I figured to get it out of the way as fast as possible. Now I can do fun stuff like bullet wounds.


deangirl1 June 12 2011, 19:17:02 UTC
SQUEEEEEEE... *bullet wounds*


mysticallight6 June 12 2011, 22:11:48 UTC
Hahaha, this was awesome. Nicely done. :)


icanhazpie June 12 2011, 23:52:44 UTC
Thank you!


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