And now for your regularly scheduled Pimpery

Jul 14, 2011 10:06

I said I'd be doing recs on Thursdays, and I missed a couple of weeks so I'm giving out a couple extra today. As always, if you're interested in seeing what I read and liked, checked the masterlist up yonder. (I'm also trying to avoid reccing things that already made recent appearances on the rec comms, which complicates things, but let's spread ( Read more... )

fic, recs

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Comments 7

borgmama1of5 July 14 2011, 15:46:40 UTC
Thanks for the rec! :)


icanhazpie July 14 2011, 15:49:53 UTC
Any time. It's a great story. I've been amused all morning by my image of Dean's face at the end of your story. Ooohoho, I'm going to go find a screencap of that face now.


icanhazpie July 14 2011, 15:56:39 UTC
"Shut up, Sam."

... )


tahirire July 14 2011, 18:46:15 UTC
Thanks hon!

I totally keep forgetting you are new around here. Here, troll my recs tag.

Also specifically these posts have several of all-time fandom greats in them.

And this gets it's own - the only triple-shot I've ever read that made me freakin' love Cas.


icanhazpie July 14 2011, 20:19:45 UTC
Um. Long experience taught me "fandom famous" was code for "sucked balls, OOC, author inserts, tres popular with the middle-school set who freaked when Galadriel said Frodo would die in the third movie... because it never occurred to them that LotR were books that could be read for spoilers - that sort of fangirl, yeah."

So. These are actually good? Or should they, like anything by Cassandra Claire, be read for laughs?


tahirire July 14 2011, 20:23:41 UTC
LOL. Welcome to the SPN fandom, darling. Haven't you heard? The fic here is AMAZING.


icanhazpie July 14 2011, 20:33:09 UTC
'k. I'll trust you on this one. I remain skeptical, but I'll try them out. Just as soon as I finish writing creepy Ghost!Jo fic.

The Cas one sounds good, even if it is fandom famous. I love me some Cas.


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