❦ 12th Record

Aug 14, 2010 23:51

[Forward dated to sometime in the morning of August 15th, idek.]

[Water drips on the page for nearly a minute before any writing appears.]

Well, that's different. I can't say today started off boring, at least.

The Wilderness has changed into [pause, more water drips] something very interesting this time.

❧Bell [Hatake Kakashi], only wanted to look, wtf srsly, *quicklog, ☄Snow (Snake) [Ichimaru Gin], ☄Rogue [Wedge Antilles], ❧Castor [Aragaki Shinjiro], ❧Youth [Maito Gai], event: cursed springs, ❧Bellflower [Retsu Unohana], ❧Cara [Krile Maia Baldesion], event: gender swap

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Comments 63

ichaichashoujo August 15 2010, 05:06:48 UTC
And what did you get?


iattractmushi August 15 2010, 05:23:50 UTC
I got wet.

I think I need a belt now.


ichaichashoujo August 15 2010, 05:30:49 UTC
Roll your waistband down a little for now. That might work.


iattractmushi August 15 2010, 05:38:18 UTC
[Slight pause]

...it'll work for now.

I guess I'm going to have to buy new clothes, too.


feathered_earth August 15 2010, 05:59:37 UTC
[fleeing to the safer entry, after a while of her journal sitting in a kitchen drawer.]

Did you fall in?


iattractmushi August 15 2010, 06:01:19 UTC
Not exactly. It was more of a voluntary thing.


feathered_earth August 15 2010, 06:22:56 UTC
Oh. What did you [pause] turn into?


iattractmushi August 15 2010, 06:29:12 UTC
I'm still a human, just [pause] anyway.

Have you heard of people turning into anything else? [Yeah, hasn't really read through 'his' journal yet this morning.]


spandexisyouth August 15 2010, 07:33:30 UTC
It has! You are all right?


iattractmushi August 15 2010, 14:32:58 UTC
Oh, I'm fine.


spandexisyouth August 15 2010, 20:42:04 UTC
That is good. I do not think you want to fall into more than one. From what I have seen.


iattractmushi August 15 2010, 22:38:19 UTC
Believe me, I'm not planning on falling into any more.

[Pause. He said 'from what I have seen,' so...]

Has anyone managed to do that yet?


unevoked August 15 2010, 07:40:54 UTC
What's it this time?


iattractmushi August 15 2010, 14:37:26 UTC
Nothing too bad. [Pause.] I just hope it's a temporary change.


unevoked August 15 2010, 19:26:50 UTC
Well yeah, it usually is, but that don't tell me what the place changed into.


...derp, I totally misread that >_> iattractmushi August 15 2010, 19:33:32 UTC
A collection of hot springs, in a mountain valley. It would be a nice place, if it wasn't for the [pause] interesting properties of the springs.

Avoid going in any of them, if you can.


wyn_starflare August 15 2010, 12:30:02 UTC
[Is Rogue. On an account made for his sister, because icons. ...Pretend he's a brunette, with shorter hair.]

Can't disagree with that.

Though if the water wasn't [pause] like that, it wouldn't be. Nothing but pools and bamboo, from what I saw.


iattractmushi August 15 2010, 14:35:33 UTC
Kind of too bad, in a way--it's a pleasant place, but I don't really want to risk falling into another one by accident somehow. This is bad enough, but at least I can still communicate with people.


wyn_starflare August 15 2010, 15:38:59 UTC
The signs says something different drowned in each one. It would probably be too much to hope for, that they'd cancel each other out.

If they're accurate... Can't be coincidence, that so many things were drowned in such close proximity.


iattractmushi August 15 2010, 15:53:52 UTC

...oh there it is. How'd he miss seeing that?]

Well, you never know. Find the one where your appropriate gender drowned, maybe it would. Then again, it might just cause a worse problem.

It doesn't seem that odd. Maybe the springs attract animals to them, to the point where the creatures attracted drown. [Applying mushi logic to the springs, here.]

I'm afraid I can't place your handwriting. Do I know you?


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