❦ 6th Record

Apr 19, 2010 19:09

Great, these things really do eat anything. Guard your pockets, everyone... I just lost half my coins.


How long has everyone been living here?

event: tribbles, wtf srsly, ❧Derrick [Richard Castle], ❧Castor [Aragaki Shinjiro], ☄Dash [Tommy Shepherd], ☄Pollux [Akihiko Sanada], ❧Cara [Krile Maia Baldesion], brb throwing these things off the island, inquiring minds want to know

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Comments 37

feathered_earth April 20 2010, 00:21:39 UTC
It didn't make them sick, did it?

And I've been here for a little over a year.


iattractmushi April 20 2010, 00:54:49 UTC
I think it did... the ones I took out of my coin pouch [pause] don't look very good.

[Longer pause] Thanks.


feathered_earth April 20 2010, 01:02:09 UTC
Oh... I wonder what's in the coins that makes them so bad for things.

Howcome you're asking?


iattractmushi April 20 2010, 01:56:02 UTC
Oh, do other creatures get sick if they eat the coins, too?

I'm curious.


reckless_rebel April 20 2010, 01:35:34 UTC
Next September'll be two years.


iattractmushi April 20 2010, 01:58:09 UTC
[Pause. Two years? Gods.] Thanks.

Who's this?


reckless_rebel April 20 2010, 02:06:12 UTC
No problem.

Name's Dash, you? When'd you get here? I've been kinda... not paying attention to journals. Stay here long enouhg, you'll get the same. Maybe. Or just nutty. Nutty's a favorite pasttime of long-timers.


iattractmushi April 20 2010, 02:34:13 UTC
Cloud. I've been here about a month and a half, joined the Adventurers a few weeks ago.

Nutty, huh? Sounds real fun.


bloody_pens April 20 2010, 02:12:27 UTC
I've been here for... 5 months already. Wow. Feels like I've been in this place forever.


iattractmushi April 20 2010, 03:09:19 UTC
Thanks. [Pause] Forever's a long time.

I don't think I ever did catch your name; mine's Cloud.


bloody_pens April 20 2010, 03:10:47 UTC

Forever certainly is a long time, especially when your brother insists on bringing Tribbles home.


iattractmushi April 20 2010, 03:27:41 UTC
[Pause for laughter]

They are kind of cute, when they're not trying to eat everything I own, but I'm not sure they'd make very good pets.


unevoked April 20 2010, 06:00:07 UTC
Since Mid-November. [Hobo don't feel like counting.]

Thing ate your coins? Fuck.


iattractmushi April 20 2010, 06:06:55 UTC
[And it's mid-April now, so...] About five months?

Yeah. They're damned annoying little critters.


unevoked April 20 2010, 06:08:36 UTC
Sounds 'bout right, yeah.

...I dunno, just keep 'em away from your stuff and they ain't that bad. [Their noises are cute. :< ]


iattractmushi April 20 2010, 06:34:48 UTC
[Some hobos are good at math, Castor.]

The ones I've got seem to be very good at getting into my coat pockets undetected and then chewing on everything I keep in them. [He will never admit that he kind of likes the noise.]


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