❦ 6th Record

Apr 19, 2010 19:09

Great, these things really do eat anything. Guard your pockets, everyone... I just lost half my coins.


How long has everyone been living here?

event: tribbles, wtf srsly, ❧Derrick [Richard Castle], ❧Castor [Aragaki Shinjiro], ☄Dash [Tommy Shepherd], ☄Pollux [Akihiko Sanada], ❧Cara [Krile Maia Baldesion], brb throwing these things off the island, inquiring minds want to know

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unevoked April 20 2010, 06:00:07 UTC
Since Mid-November. [Hobo don't feel like counting.]

Thing ate your coins? Fuck.


iattractmushi April 20 2010, 06:06:55 UTC
[And it's mid-April now, so...] About five months?

Yeah. They're damned annoying little critters.


unevoked April 20 2010, 06:08:36 UTC
Sounds 'bout right, yeah.

...I dunno, just keep 'em away from your stuff and they ain't that bad. [Their noises are cute. :< ]


iattractmushi April 20 2010, 06:34:48 UTC
[Some hobos are good at math, Castor.]

The ones I've got seem to be very good at getting into my coat pockets undetected and then chewing on everything I keep in them. [He will never admit that he kind of likes the noise.]


unevoked April 20 2010, 06:36:51 UTC
[Other hobos are just lazy.]

I just kinda let them chill there-- granted they're starting to take over the floor've the room now.


iattractmushi April 20 2010, 13:04:57 UTC
They're starting to take over everything, from what I can see. [Where the hell is he going to sleep tonight? The park is covered with them...

Maybe he really will chuck a bunch off the edge of an island.]


unevoked April 20 2010, 13:15:23 UTC
S'long as they don't try and smother me in my sleep, I can deal with 'em. [You hobo, just sleep on the Tribbles.]


iattractmushi April 20 2010, 13:27:58 UTC
At the rate they seem to be multiplying? I wouldn't be at all surprised if they did it unintentionally. [But they're little wiggly things! It wouldn't be a very comfortable bed.]


unevoked April 20 2010, 13:30:11 UTC
I dunno if it's more cropping up every half day or like you said, multiplying. [Whateva man. Castor will like them until they eat his cooking stuff. Then it is rage time.]


iattractmushi April 20 2010, 13:35:14 UTC
Could always be a little of both. [Will his rage be loud enough to be heard all over Edensphere? Because that would be hilarious.]


unevoked April 20 2010, 13:37:14 UTC
Got a point. I figure they'll disappear sooner or later anyway, though. [Maybe. There will definitely be some Tribble-punting over in Wellspring.]


iattractmushi April 20 2010, 13:44:32 UTC
Hopefully that will happen before they eat all the food in the Sphere. [Tribble-punting should be a sport, man.]


unevoked April 20 2010, 13:46:08 UTC
...You don't think they can open things, do you? [They can make it one. Like Chicken-Kicking, except even more cathartic.]


iattractmushi April 20 2010, 13:51:43 UTC
They're vibrating balls of fur, it's not like they have hands.

Of course I don't understand how they're eating stuff either, since they don't seem to have anything I'd call a mouth. [Yay for spontaneously inventing sports!]


unevoked April 20 2010, 13:56:38 UTC
...Good. Just went to the bazaar the other day, last thing I need's one going through my stuff.

[That's how hobos can bond. Kicking them.]


ziongaiv April 20 2010, 18:14:07 UTC
Our floor is covered with them. I hate these things.


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