Beer: The Cure All

Feb 11, 2013 21:56

Title: Beer: The Cure All
Author: iantojjackh
Summary: Ianto's not a very nice drunk
Rating: PG
Characters: Jack and Ianto
Spoilers: Something Borrowed
Word Count: 200 double drabble
Notes: Written for tw100 challenge: Loud and Clear. It's a double drabble because 100 words could not hold this.

Beer: The Cure All

After cleaning up Gwen's disastrous wedding, Ianto wanted time alone. He had seen the looks Jack gave the bride, wishing he was Rhys.  Owen's taunt of being a part-time shag echoed in his head.

It was past midnight when Ianto decided to act his age and get fall down drunk to forget the day. Ianto was about to down his fifth beer when someone grabbed the drink from him.

"Hey, I was drinking that," Ianto tried to regain control of his pilfered bottle.

"You've had enough," Jack placed the bottle out of Ianto's reach.

"I don't think I have," Ianto played the role of petulant child and made a grab for the bottle but lost his balance and fell face first into Jack's chest. "Aren't you supposed to get drunk at weddings?"

"The wedding's been over for hours. Let me take you home and put you to bed."

An evil glint flickered in the corner of Ianto's eyes. "You're always trying to get me into bed. Why don't I save us the trip and I suck you off right here?" He yelled loud enough that the whole pub went silent and turned to look at them. His point made.

ianto, tw100, jack, drabble

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