Premature Ejection

Feb 09, 2013 14:18

Title: Premature Ejection
Author: iantojjackh
Summary: Jack's panicked and Ianto's amused
Characters: Ianto and Jack
Warnings: possible choking hazard. Exercise caution while drinking or eating while reading this fic.
Rating: R
Notes: Written for tw100 challenge: jump the gun

Premature Ejection

"It's okay. It happens sometimes," Ianto tried to say as diplomatically as possible, flopping back onto the bed. His face showed the frustration that his voice didn't.

"Not to me." Jack snapped as he looked at his limp manhood. This was not supposed to happen to Captain Jack Harkness and nothing he did could coax it back to life. It just hung there, flaccid like a wet noodle.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" Jack was panic stricken.

"What do you want me to say?" Ianto replied and tried to reawaken Jack's member. "Nope, still asleep."

"Don't laugh!" Jack pouted.

humor, fanfic, jack, janto, crack, ianto, tw100, drabble

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