May 02, 2011 13:24
I know this is totally unrelated to Paramore but......
Great day for not only the USA but the whole world! :D
Sorry heh...
Feb 19, 2010 14:41
Ok, I think I'm finally getting the hang of this. At first I was like WHOA, but now I'm like WHAY:D LJ Rocks hehe...
Brings out the best in me man:P Sooo cheesy ha..
I'm gonna try to l post at least once a week if Ican get my bro off the computer once in awhile >:(
So ehm... ya peace out peeps. Stay Fresh :D
Feb 18, 2010 23:29
I have TWO english essays to write for Monday. How disappointing:(
And... It's on Hamlet. It just gets wose and worse...
How am I to enjoy my mid-term break with this on my mind. I mean, all my buddies are ale to go and do their thing but my stupid (actually fairly cool) english teacher has to lay this on me >:( I could really do without it man.UGH