i'm famous, bitches

Sep 03, 2006 15:39

OMG I must share the most glorificus news ever.  Not only have I been friended by a Doctor Who anon meme, but I've been hated on!  I mean, I didn't even have to post one of those "Waaahhhh doesn't anyone hate me?" posts.  BECAUSE I GOT HATED ON, BITCHES.  Sadly, I didn't get an entire thread devoted to me... that honor goes to a dear friend who ( Read more... )

doctor who, buffy, wank

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Comments 10

starbuck42084 September 4 2006, 02:06:21 UTC
Aahh, fandom wank. Such a lovely thing...sounds like someone's been pouring the "hater-ade" on you. Dude, you totally are famous. Last week, someone ripped off your vids and this week people are randomly hating on you, telling you to STFU and whatnot.

Speaking of vid ripping, I don't know what the deal is with this:

My vid
Not my vid.

I'm not trying to start anything, but I really don't know what to think about this. Help a sista out! Holla back!


iamtheliquorr September 4 2006, 02:27:53 UTC
Hmm... I admit it's uncanny that both are to the same song and the same episode. But otherwise, I didn't see very many similarities in the actual editing. Could just be a coincidence. It was like on this Smallville board a while back... two vidders vidded the same song, but the vids were posted at the same time so clearly one didn't copy the other.


starbuck42084 September 4 2006, 04:15:05 UTC
!t just caught me off guard because of the fact that it's the same episode and the song is not a well known song. but i guess I should be flattered if there is something to it. Thanks chica!


bluewingedpixie September 4 2006, 02:30:44 UTC
Congratulations, dude that's something to be proud of. And the Rose/Spike fic is a crack filled kind of idea my crappy brain needed right now. She is *so* Spike, and as a Spuffy shipper I can categorically say there was *not* enough B/S screentime in S7, so there. I don't have a Spuffy icon, I just realised, so we'll have some Rose ♥ instead.


kammgirl September 4 2006, 03:01:25 UTC
I'm hated more then you. Oh and soap fandom soap fandom soap fandom soap fandom soap fandom soap fandom. Now leave this open sp they can come and link it or c&p your comments.


soap fandom soap fandom soap fandom soap fandom soap fandom soap fandom soap fandom soap fandom.


aliasagent September 4 2006, 04:35:41 UTC
Fandom is crazy ;)

And Rose is definately the new Spike (although so much better in my opnion ;))


iamtheliquorr September 4 2006, 04:57:25 UTC
LOL, she is in the way that fandom reacted.

It's a rather fascinating phenomenon, actually... Get a tremendously popular character, put that character in a position to a) screw with an older and established 'ship (B/A, past companions) b) mess with the former status quo (Spike's entire post-S6 arc, particularly the acquisition of the soul, screwed with a lot of canon established in the previous seasons; with Rose/Doctor, romantic subtext became... erm, text, breaking the status quo of former Doctor/companion relationships) b) Assign major plotlines/screentime to said character or make it seem that they are more "special" or "important" than other secondary characters (do I really need to explain this?) and voila! Insta-wank!

This would be an interesting study in sociology if I was so inclined.


aliasagent September 4 2006, 05:06:48 UTC
Exactly. Fandom things can be so.... kindergarden style sometimes. *points to HP fandom*

Rose is so wonderful *fangirls*


avidbeader September 4 2006, 05:31:28 UTC
People have way too much time on their hands.


iamtheliquorr September 4 2006, 05:36:16 UTC
I know I do! LOL

And icon love.


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