i'm famous, bitches

Sep 03, 2006 15:39

OMG I must share the most glorificus news ever.  Not only have I been friended by a Doctor Who anon meme, but I've been hated on!  I mean, I didn't even have to post one of those "Waaahhhh doesn't anyone hate me?" posts.  BECAUSE I GOT HATED ON, BITCHES.  Sadly, I didn't get an entire thread devoted to me... that honor goes to a dear friend who shall remain nameless.  I actually just got mentioned once as a Rose fan who needs to STFU.  But that's good enough for me!

Here I was thinking I'd settled down since my Buffy and Smallville days.  Alas.  I must resurrect my avid-Spike-defender-and-Spuffy-lovah M.O. and get on it.

ETA: Hopefully, this entry should make it clear that I take anon memes about as seriously as I take... I don't know, something not serious. But I shamelessly admit that I love 'em. It's like reading the crap written on the girls' bathroom wall in junior high, man... nothing like supposedly grown adults acting like 12-yr-olds over fandom. Look out, HP... Doctor Who is nipping at your heels in the wank department!

OMG I just realized something.  Rose Tyler... she's the new Spike!  Think about it.

* Bleached blonde.
* Popular character perceived as being loved by most of the fandom, except a vocal minority online.
* Said vocal minority resents her for her popularity and being given more "importance" than she is due. (A popular complaint by Spike haters in S7 was that he was given too much importance/screentime, and BtVS became the Buffy/Spike show).
* Are part of a ship with title character that throws fandom into an uproar
* Said ship ends with an extremely angsty scene in which it is left just ambiguous enough that the non-shippers can claim X never really loved Y, yet implies enough romance that the shippers can claim "dude, it was obvious!"

You know what this means, right?  Someone has to write a crossover Rose/Spike fic.

I need to stop imbibing sugar and caffeine.

doctor who, buffy, wank

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