
Jul 17, 2006 00:19

Tagged by missmagic86

List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your livejournal along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.

1. Universe and U - KT Read more... )

doctor who, meme, angel

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Comments 10

katiesangels July 17 2006, 08:23:36 UTC
Sway is a great song, soft and all like you said. I'm loving it ever since I came across it.

Ah, the destroying of the lovely character that was Cordy. Don't want to say or think about it much. Still don't know why they did that. Then again, the (literal) death blow came in season 4 - yes, I watch the horror show that was that. Sometimes I think the writers disliked her because the viewers liked her. If that makes any sense now...


califi July 17 2006, 09:00:27 UTC
It was those damned blonde-coloured glasses *sporks em*


iamtheliquorr July 17 2006, 19:53:29 UTC
Cordy is definitely the most tortured character in the Jossverse. I don't get it, either. I don't know why they had to water her down so much and destroy what was unique and great about the character. Yeah, there is such a thing as character growth. But character growth has to be realistic... you can't just wipe every trait that came to define a character, even if said traits are perceived as negative. It's like... Wesley is a great example of believable character growth. He'd come such a long way from the Wes of S3 Buffy, but he still retained his defining character traits even up to the end. Cordy, however, had her defining traits wiped completely and was replaced by a boring, bland character that I still can't get a sense of, which is why I never write AtS fic after the pre-haircut era ( ... )


katiesangels July 18 2006, 16:01:11 UTC
Sometimes it's like they picked her as the character they had to break or make people dislike as much as they could. I've never really thought about the clothes, but now that you mention it, I remember wondering where they got those sometimes rather ugly things from. And I really really don't like to think of blonde Cordy -- this wasn't just a mistake ...


aliasagent July 17 2006, 10:12:58 UTC
I'd love it if you could upload these songs (although I already have Chasing Cars) but you don't have to unless you want to.

I wanna make a DW fic too *pouts* I just gotta figure out a way to repair the damage from Doomsday.


iamtheliquorr July 17 2006, 19:48:13 UTC
They be uploaded! :)


sellthelie July 17 2006, 10:34:33 UTC
I loved Cordy, BtVS Cordy & Angel Cordy. But then it got weird, a bit like that whole series. I lost it for big patches throughout it. I think the only entire season I've seen is the first one, and the one where at the end she goes and Angel is locked underwater, have no idea what number that was. I need to watch all of it, should see if the video store has the DVD's.

I'll join you on the icon search, I got my twins. Need more Buffy ones.



vibrantsarcasm July 17 2006, 15:44:48 UTC
I miss Angel. :( AND I miss the old Cordy. I was so sad when Charisma left the show to have her baby. But season 5 was still amazing without her being there thanks to the addition of Spike. I was so happy for that, cause season 4 kind of was BLAH to me.

Anyways, Snow Patrol = AWESOMENESS. I need their newest cd still though.


effulgentnida July 17 2006, 18:31:42 UTC
Snow Patrol = Love!

Ohhh I miss Angel, I miss Cordelia so much, yeah she was great, I hated what they did to her :( Darla rocked, she's one of my favourite characters in the Buffyverse.


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