
Jul 17, 2006 00:19

Tagged by missmagic86

List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your livejournal along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.

1. Universe and U - KT Tunstall
I adore this song so much.  I have an acoustic version and the album version.  All of KT's music is stunning, really, but I especially adore this song.  It's kinda soft and bluesy, then builds to this gorgeous bridge.  And I adore the lyrics as well.

2. Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
Ahh, I love this song so much.  It's a little simplistic lyrically, but it's such a beautiful and heartfelt song that it more than makes up for it.  And now, thanks to my Doctor Whizzle vid, it also makes me cry! *sniff*

3. Make This Go On Forever - Snow Patrol
Arrghhh, this song does it to me everytime. It's just so intense and sweeping and gorgeous... the end will give you chills.  It's inspired me so much I want to write a fic based on it... not a songfic, since I find the lyric format intrusive, but just something that captures the mood and feel, if you get my drift.

4. The Walk - Imogen Heap
I've become slightly obsessed with this song lately.  It's Imogen, so it's got that kind of dreamy quality to it, and the arrangement is awesome.  The lyrics are something I find very relatable, and the whole song is just so rich and evocative.

5. The Perishers - Sway
I feel kinda guilty liking this song so much since they played it on Veronica Mars and now everyone loves it, but it's a great song!  It's so soft and pretty and hopeful.

6. Rachael Yamagata - Reason Why
I love Rachael, and this is one of her most beautiful songs.  The lyrics are honest but eloquent, and the whole song is just so lovely and emotionally resonant.

7. Vanishing - Mariah Carey
Some old-school Mariah.  This song wasn't a single and not very well-known, but it's one of her most beautiful songs, IMO. The lyrics are great, and I love how it's just a piano and her voice.  I have to vid this sometime. It reminds me of Doctor Who in "Doomsday."

Actually, sadly enough, this whole darned list could be a soundtrack for that episode, but I'm not going to make one b/c there are already so durned many even though I like mine better.  I could upload these all if anyone's interested.

Still trying to hammer out the details of that DW fic.  Little bits and pieces are taking shape in my mind and I should probably write them down, but for some reason these days I can't seem to concentrate on anything creative.  I can't wait till this move is over, b/c I'm still convinced it's sapping my energy to do anything but complain.  I'm getting ideas, but the actual fleshing out of the ideas isn't going too well.

Almost done with my drawing, but i ran out of steam as I was finishing up the background and now it's just sitting there.  For all you artists on my list, does that ever happen to you?  You almost reach the end of something and then just sorta... stop.

I've been all ADD lately and watching DVDs, since I can't seem to do anything more creative than draw or make icons (read: write fic) and have been rewatching the Darla arc of Angel.  I always get a bit sad in S2 b/c they had to destroy Cordy so much.  I miss her so!  She was such a wonderful character until she became all boring blonde-highlights higher-powery.  I miss the snarky, bitchy, flawed, hot Cordy.  Why, Joss, whyyyy?  I must admit that I love Darla, though.  She's just so kickass.

I need more Angel icons.

Meh, so bored.  *puts on Angel DVD*

doctor who, meme, angel

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