Door porn!

Jun 23, 2006 22:30

I have concluded that the world needs more HQ David Tennant pics.  And I don't mean slightly-bigger-than-a-postage-stamp grainy scans.  I mean crash-the-dialup so-big-you-can-count-every-freckle-on-his-face HQ.  OK?

doctor whizzle spoilage )

randomness, doctor who, wank, harry potter

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Comments 10

bitter_crimson June 24 2006, 05:32:52 UTC
Hey, you should toss out some links to any existing hi-res DT pic sources you've got. For those of us who are all lazy and lame and whatever. ;) I feel guilty now that I have, like, 406 pages of the Rosenbaum on my hard drive, and yet have only, like, THREE OR FOUR of David. THIS NEEDS TO BE REMEDIED. (He should at least have, say, half of what Amy Sedaris has got, I think.)


iamtheliquorr June 24 2006, 06:31:49 UTC
Sadly, there are none. I should know, I looked. :( I got most of mine from and from stuff people post at time_and_chips. Perhaps I should make a picspam post when my internet isn't being a fuktard. :p


paperpieces5 June 24 2006, 06:02:00 UTC


effervescent June 24 2006, 06:06:48 UTC
The story that I've heard is that the passage was either a)among passages that she had written down and she didn't know where it was from, or b)among her own writing and she didn't realise that she hadn't written it. Personally, I don't quite understand how that happened, but I've still read the DT and enjoyed it.

That said, I know that when I'm writing, if I'm using quotes from other things, I will write them down separately from my own work and cite them. If I run into a situation where I don't know where something is from, then I won't use it. When I was in first year university I was accused of plagiarism because I made the mistake of letting my roommate read my essay before working on hers, and the professor thought that ours were too similar. In the end all he did was dock a letter grade, but still, at the time I was more than a bit annoyed and wishing that I'd never done it in the first place, and I've never done that sort of thing again. It's made me more aware of the importance of that sort of thing, and how quickly it can ( ... )


iamtheliquorr June 24 2006, 06:28:26 UTC
Oh, I wasn't knocking the DT since I haven't read it... I'm just going by what I've heard around the Net. I just see something as epic as the DT and the lazy ass in me is reluctant to get into it. :p

Since reading the microphone-licking wank, I have this odd urge to make animated icons of David Tennant licking stuff. I suppose one good thing came out of it.


effervescent June 24 2006, 06:33:24 UTC
Oh, I didn't think that you were! I'm sorry if it came across that way, hehe. I was just using that as a precursor to what I'll do if I ever quote someone :P Though I don't know whether I would, really, unless it was a song or something, because man, it just seems to risky.

Hahaha, licking icons are always good, in my opinion ;) :D


sdkshelly June 24 2006, 07:38:33 UTC
You know, I tried to read the DT, I really did, but the quoting got to be annoying quite honestly. Yeah, I love Buffy, and Red Dwarf, and a lot of other things she was quoting and whatever, but really, is it honestly IC for Harry to be saying things that Buffy said?? Like I said, annoying.

Not trying to be wanky though ;)

But yeah,the whole plagerism thing just boggles me. I can understand being influenced by other things you read, but I think it's pretty obvious you know what you're doing if you actually lift passages from other books. Unintentional my ass.

I actually get paranoid about copying subject matter. Like, for example, I wrote a first draft of a Harry's in a coma fic, then as I was going through various H/Hr rec lists, I found a story that was about Harry in a coma as well. I freaked out, even though I hadn't even read that story first before writing my own. I ended up making my beta go read the other fic to make sure mine wasn't too similar, besides the premise of course.


iamtheliquorr June 24 2006, 07:46:49 UTC
Dude, I'm totally feeling you about the paranoia. For my Choose Your Companion ficathon entry, I'm trying to come up with a good plot for my O.C./Doctor Who Xover that doesn't step on the toes of other stuff too much... e.g. Buffy and the "School Reunion" ep. I did gank the idea of the Doctor posing as a teacher (which is frankly where the fic idea came from... I was like, what if he posed as a teacher at Harbor School?) but I'll give credit for that.

I live in perpetual fear that i'll come up with a great fic idea and there will be another fic out there just like it that I didn't know about. :-/


afteriwake June 24 2006, 08:00:04 UTC
::looks hestiantly at my porn icon:: I dun want it to go away! My fandom porn is too damn important to me! LJ abuse, go away!


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