Door porn!

Jun 23, 2006 22:30

I have concluded that the world needs more HQ David Tennant pics.  And I don't mean slightly-bigger-than-a-postage-stamp grainy scans.  I mean crash-the-dialup so-big-you-can-count-every-freckle-on-his-face HQ.  OK?

Dude, it's getting pathetic that about every single angsty song I hear reminds me of the Rose/Doctor ship.  (See what I'm listening to now).  I am watching S1 of DW with my Dad now and getting depressed.  Yeah, I can live in the past and denial is a wonderful thing, but I'm bumming that my shiny new fandom is coming to a close so fast.  I'm still on the fence about whether I'm going to keep watching next season. If I do, it will be b/c of David.  I'm still going to watch tennant_love because that evil, evil man has me firmly in this thrall, but I'm already dreading the promos and stuff with the new chick.  Ugh.  I also sorta dread that R/D is going to go down the path of C/A and become even deader than Dumbledore as fans move on to new "current" things.  Bad enough that now Ryan/Marissa dead from ratings stunt.  I'm extremely not excited about the day they introduce the new Ryan love interest, b/c you know they're totally going to do it.  I predict there will be much pelting of TV producers with stale pastries in the near future.

In other news, it appears the Cassandra Claire legacy lives on.  Only, instead of merely becoming a heroine to Harry Potter fen around the Net, this chick got a $500,000 deal from a publisher and her book was going to be made into a movie.  Until it turns out she'd lifted passages from a couple popular chick lit novels. The author says the copying was "unintentional" which, as a writer, I honestly don't get.  How can you "unintentionally" copy passages word-for-word?  I used some Buffy and Mean Girls quotes in a fic, but I credited them in my author's notes and knew they weren't mine when I used them--it was a prank fic and their use was with tongue firmly in cheek. In fact, when I write original fic, I'm usually obsessive about making sure nothing I write sounds remotely like any other source, b/c I am paranoid about stuff like this.

It occurred to me to wonder if this chick was Cassandra Claire, but having never actually read Ms. Claire's work (*gasp!*  Try to contain your shock) I did hear rumors that CC planned to publish under the same pseudonym (but spelled differently) so I guess not.  Oh well, sucks to be her (not CC, this chick).  Now I kinda wanna read this book to see what all the fuss is about.  Apparently, so have other people.

Oh, and this is kind of old, but hilarious... apparently LJ abuse has gotten tired of picking on breastfeeding moms and has decided it's time to crack down on microphone-licking.  I mean, WTF?  Have you guys seen all the borderline porno icons floating around?  I'm far less offended by a breastfeeding mom or Trent Reznor licking a mic than I am of shlongs, boobs, and asses (check out a thread on ohnotheydidnt; you'll find one).  I imagine watching an episode of S2 Doctor Who would send LJ abuse into conniption fits.  Hey LJ abuse, you wanna bust me for my pornographic door-licking icon? Come on, you know that's the most sexually suggestive thing you've seen in ages! *is hypnotized by it*

... Yeah, I think I need a moment alone now.

randomness, doctor who, wank, harry potter

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