drabbles (various fandoms)

Feb 24, 2009 20:58

so I was exploring fandom and I discovered a six-word drabble meme.

Then I appropriated the idea and cheated a bit (a lot). And also pretended capital letters didn't exist. They didn't seem right.

1. ( SGA; John/Rodney )

fanfiction, fic: xxxholic, fic: merlin, fic: sga, original fiction

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aopt March 6 2009, 00:40:41 UTC
it's hard not to want to
fairly easy to see where next
you think you know what's what
but he keeps pushing you on
it's more than anyone would do
so either he's making a point
or you're not far from reciprocation.

(later, you'll look back with experience
and understand that you were right
but you were also very wrong
you might've had him that night
but Merlin tries hardest for everyone.)


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