drabbles (various fandoms)

Feb 24, 2009 20:58

so I was exploring fandom and I discovered a six-word drabble meme.

Then I appropriated the idea and cheated a bit (a lot). And also pretended capital letters didn't exist. They didn't seem right.

in the end it comes naturally
a slip of the tongue, really.
"I didn't mean that," you said
"you never do," he replied, bitterly
it stung that he meant it.
"but actually I did," you confessed
"you just wouldn't believe me if
I were to say I did."

but then he smiled at you
"I should have known by now."

he takes his time in this
dragging rough hands against fair skin
he doesn't tell you these things:
"I don't want this of you
please don't die for me again."
because you are only too keen
and you don't surprise yourself anymore.

he says, "tell me a story"
and she can hear the question.
she tells him about two moons
that drew each other in once
and then existed in perfect orbit
but in a moment they crashed.

she says, "it is a story"
and he can hear the apology.
he tells her about two satellites
that drew each other in once
and they are crashing still now
but alone they will meander aimlessly
deep space is lonely without reaction.

she says, "you are a poet."
he says, "facts are not poetry."
she says, "what if they are?"

you know who's really the idiot.

you count time out in gears
they always add to twenty-four
you could pretend everything's this easy
but then you think of Julian.


Give me a prompt and/or character and/or pairing in comments and I'll write you one.
01. xxxHOLiC; Watanuki/Sakura
02. Doctor Who; Doctor/Master
03. original; Audrey/his boat
04. xxxHOLiC; Clow/Yuuko
05. xxxHOLiC; Clone!Syaoran/Watanuki
06. Good Omens; Crowley/Aziraphale
07. Tsubasa; Kurogane/Fai
08. Circle of Magic series; Briar & sisters
09. xxxHOLiC; Himawari
10. original; Ravix/Ilfiid
11. SGA; John & Ronon
12. Merlin; Arthur/Merlin/Lancelot
13. Merlin; Lancelot/Merlin

..holy fuck guys, that's a lot of Holic.

fanfiction, fic: xxxholic, fic: merlin, fic: sga, original fiction

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