drabbles (various fandoms)

Feb 24, 2009 20:58

so I was exploring fandom and I discovered a six-word drabble meme.

Then I appropriated the idea and cheated a bit (a lot). And also pretended capital letters didn't exist. They didn't seem right.

1. ( SGA; John/Rodney )

fanfiction, fic: xxxholic, fic: merlin, fic: sga, original fiction

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iambickilometer February 25 2009, 07:29:54 UTC
you prefer not to think it
the first time you met him
he carried the world with him
begging for a chance to succeed
but he was doomed to fail.

his bright eyes are empty now
and he's stained in old blood
the double of your alter ego
why shouldn't he draw you in?
but it feels like a betrayal.


anyjen February 25 2009, 07:35:37 UTC
Ooooh, nice.


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