drabbles (various fandoms)

Feb 24, 2009 20:58

so I was exploring fandom and I discovered a six-word drabble meme.

Then I appropriated the idea and cheated a bit (a lot). And also pretended capital letters didn't exist. They didn't seem right.

1. ( SGA; John/Rodney )

fanfiction, fic: xxxholic, fic: merlin, fic: sga, original fiction

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iambickilometer February 25 2009, 05:24:47 UTC
everything is flowers in this place
she smiles when you remind her
she likes to play with your glasses
you like to stroke her hair
it's okay here, not to exist.


ririum February 25 2009, 05:29:55 UTC

That's like the best thing ever.♥

N-now I want to make a Watanuki/Sakura fanmix~


iambickilometer February 25 2009, 05:33:20 UTC
aw, thanks.

And damn you, foul fiend, you've converted me. theirluvissoexistential.

you should totally do it.


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