In Soviet Russia, moonwands cycle you!

Jan 04, 2009 17:02

I don't think anyone will quite understand how much respect for myself I have lost today. But I'll start from the beginning.

So copperbadge posted in his journal about shitty fantasy novels. metallumai and meran_flash got into and interesting discussion with him, culminating in the ultimate fantasy novel title: Fire of the Crystal Elven Magesword of Dragonstar: The Pegasus ( Read more... )

fanart: torchwood, fanfiction, device: crossover, fic: sga, fanart: sga, fic: torchwood, fanart

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Comments 47

unicornvamp3z January 6 2009, 21:00:57 UTC
ahahaha, jack makes an amazing elf!


iambickilometer January 6 2009, 23:19:49 UTC
In a weird, unexpected, and slightly brain-breaking way - yes, he does.


unicornvamp3z January 6 2009, 23:33:01 UTC
it's the brain breaking way that really does it :D


aura218 January 6 2009, 23:49:50 UTC
From: Tor
To: imbikilometer
re: Your novel submission

Dear Fantasy Writer: We regret to inform you we cannot publish your novel, as it has clearly been edited with competency and shows frightening signs of correct grammar. Our small, small egos cannot handle this. Please go away or we will turn you into a toad with our magic stone, which we totally have. Really we do.

Disgruntled Editor Who Is Really a Fantasy Novelist


iambickilometer January 7 2009, 00:15:55 UTC
From: Iambic
To: Tor
re: re: Your novel submission

Dear Disgruntled Editor: Somehow, I am not surprised. Your threats of magic stones do not frighten me, but nonetheless, I shall cease to trouble you with my obviously superior writing. However, I must thank you for your prompt reply, for it has provided me with much amusement.



aura218 January 7 2009, 03:14:05 UTC
I -- you -- you'll never work in this town again!

(I'm here from copperbadge, btw)


iambickilometer January 7 2009, 03:26:08 UTC
(I figured as much. I'm sure I've seen that icon around the Cafe. :D)


clodia_risa January 7 2009, 00:00:35 UTC

Here from the Cafe, you poor poor dear. It read...just like half the fantasy books I read. Especially with the exposition every third paragraph. Nicely done, now go wash your brain out with soap.


clodia_risa January 7 2009, 00:03:03 UTC
Ah yes, and your art is very nice as well. I feel less able to critique, as I have less artistic ability than a stick.


iambickilometer January 7 2009, 00:24:40 UTC
Yes, the exposition. I've noticed that I can remember the backstory behind most fantasy novels I've read, but the plots elude me more often than not...

Anyway, thanks. XD; People of the Cafe have been ever so kind to me, although you are the first to be so good as not to encourage me in further exploration of this terrible, terrible fantasy.


drgaellon January 7 2009, 00:43:11 UTC
OMG you sick, sick person, I think I love you.


iambickilometer January 7 2009, 00:50:20 UTC
XD; Thanks, I think.


such_heights January 13 2009, 00:10:11 UTC
AHAHAHA. Okay, so I caught whiffs of this over at Sam's journal and DID NOT REALISE it was actually an unholy fusion trinity of SGA/Torchwood/UNADULTERATED FANTASTY CRACK. OT3, right there.

:D :D :D This is all unutterably fantastic, this post and that comment thread both. The disturbing truth? I would totally read this, probably losing all sense of irony (and self-respect) in the process. \o/ Oh, fandom.


iambickilometer January 13 2009, 00:15:50 UTC
XD See, one must not take Sam's crack lightly. No matter how nondescript it appears at first glance, it is ALWAYS about as cracky as it gets. OT3, I AGREE. (I still need to finish the bit with Ianto. I'm sort of hiding from it.)

Well, thank you very much. I think it goes without saying that I, too, would read this. And probably enjoy it. The self-respect, however, is long gone. It's sort of a liberating experience.


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