FIC: Moments From the Hourglass (Inception)

Jul 30, 2010 01:31

Title: Moments From the Hourglass
Fandom: Inception
Warnings: Spoilers.
Wordcount: 2,860
Summary: CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE FILM. In which Dom Cobb sees his kids grow up and starts dreaming again, a condition Arthur is determined to rid him of. (And in a shocking turn of events, Cobb/Arthur is the ship of the day.)
Notes: Thanks to the fabulous
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fanfiction, fic: inception

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Comments 26

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iambickilometer July 30 2010, 17:34:43 UTC
Aw thanks, darlin'. <3 You're so good to me.

I did see that earlier but was leery as I am not a huge fan of Sulu/Chekov. As you liked it so much I will try it, though.


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iambickilometer July 30 2010, 21:42:47 UTC
Hm. Well, as I said, I'll give it a try, and if it's not to my liking I'll like. Write Sulu/Kirk Inception crossover or something. It will be magical.


clair3 July 30 2010, 14:59:16 UTC


iambickilometer July 30 2010, 21:27:34 UTC


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iambickilometer July 30 2010, 21:30:24 UTC
Hey, thanks so much! I'm really glad you liked it, and flattered that you find it worth rereading. :D


andreaphobia July 30 2010, 17:29:12 UTC


andreaphobia July 30 2010, 17:29:24 UTC


iambickilometer July 30 2010, 17:31:25 UTC
Was it good for you, baby


yes andreaphobia July 31 2010, 00:30:02 UTC
"One of us probably isn't real," Dom says. "It's not me."

"So you say," Arthur replies. "So we're at an impasse."

I swear to god, I can just hear them saying this. You made my day by giving me JGL's sexy, sexy voice at work.


molokomolotov July 30 2010, 18:10:30 UTC

this is so stunning i don't even know what to say except that this is so perfect because Arthur would never give up on Dom and just ♥


iambickilometer July 30 2010, 21:33:30 UTC

thank you so much! Their bromance is so epic, I don't understand how people can't see it. Also damn right Arthur's never gonna give Dom up, never gonna let him down, never gonna run around and desert him.


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