FIC: Moments From the Hourglass (Inception)

Jul 30, 2010 01:31

Title: Moments From the Hourglass
Fandom: Inception
Warnings: Spoilers.
Wordcount: 2,860
Summary: CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE FILM. In which Dom Cobb sees his kids grow up and starts dreaming again, a condition Arthur is determined to rid him of. (And in a shocking turn of events, Cobb/Arthur is the ship of the day.)
Notes: Thanks to the fabulous
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fanfiction, fic: inception

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Comments 26

isil_helyanwe July 30 2010, 18:44:13 UTC


isil_helyanwe July 30 2010, 18:45:12 UTC
This bit is my favourite: It's criminal, the way his eyelashes curl like that against the straight lines of his face. He shouldn't be allowed, when Mal's still strong in Dom's memory and the taste of oranges is still so strong in his mouth. Arthur might taste like that.


iambickilometer July 30 2010, 21:35:54 UTC
Aw, thank you! I was trying to work with dream imagery to communicate what was going on just as much as the dialogue, and I think the oranges scene might have been my biggest success in that regard. I'm glad you loved it so much! :D


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iambickilometer July 30 2010, 21:39:06 UTC
You too, m'dear, you too! But thank you so much! Arthur was difficult but rewarding to write for exactly that reason; he watches his tongue so carefully and knows exactly what he's going to say before he says it. And YES. I am taking this fandom's challenge and bringing people over to the Dom/Arthur ship because it needs more multishipping and really. SO MUCH HISTORY. And they work so well together, like you said. I will DEFINITELY write more of them, no fear there.


starvinbohemian August 3 2010, 21:12:31 UTC
This is fantastic. :)


iambickilometer August 7 2010, 22:49:06 UTC
Thank you!


yellowwolf5 August 3 2010, 23:48:10 UTC
This? This totally fucked with my mind like the movie did. *claps* Brilliant!


iambickilometer August 7 2010, 22:56:52 UTC
Really? That is high praise indeed. Thank you!

If you don't mind me asking -- just what about it was so mindfucking?


smokexscribbles August 6 2010, 04:53:42 UTC
Oh my fucking god yes this is what I didn't know I wanted


iambickilometer August 7 2010, 22:58:27 UTC
8D well I am happy I could oblige.


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