About the latest LJ kerfuffle...

Sep 01, 2010 21:32

I'm doing the obligatory DON'T LINK TO MY  FLOCKED ENTRIES, OR COMMENTS YOU'VE MADE IN MY FLOCKED ENTRIES, to facebook or Twitter, post. In fact, don't even link to the unlocked ones. Not a lot of you guys are friends with me on Facebook, so I won't worry too much about that, but just in case you're thinking about doing it. Most of my Twitter feed ( Read more... )

rant, facebook, fail, oh man oh god, real life, lj, wtf, life, what is this fuckery, friends, no fuck no!

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Comments 40

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iamashamed September 1 2010, 20:15:04 UTC
<333 Lol, I agree. what is the point? xD


pyroclasticgrub September 1 2010, 21:08:30 UTC
Oooh. Can I copy and paste this post into my LJ? I don't even really know what flocking is, and it doesn't sound like something I want to happen to me. Evil facebook...


iamashamed September 1 2010, 21:12:51 UTC
of course!


dancesontrains September 3 2010, 23:04:49 UTC
f-locking is just when you choose to lock a post so only people you're mutual friends with can see it :3



velvetcure September 1 2010, 22:45:28 UTC
i was about to tell you how to undo it but i see someone already offered and i only know how to get rid of with on firefox anyway. sorry, no help from me!

i totally agree that i consider facebook a "public" space. i mean i literally have only family members and like a handful of friends that i trust A LOT on there but those people still don't need to know about my angsty LJ posts.


velvetcure September 2 2010, 00:50:21 UTC
...get rid of with on firefox...

clearly my brain has been addled. i mashed two sentences together. i meant 'i only know how to get rid of it on firefox anyway'



iamashamed September 2 2010, 18:45:07 UTC
lol, no worries bb, I get you.


here_inmyhead September 1 2010, 23:23:27 UTC
I feel like this is who I really am, and what I really like/ feel; thus, I'd feel a tad vulnerable if everything was to be shared with everyone I know 'in real life'.

THIS. So much.

This was a total dumbass move on their part.


iamashamed September 2 2010, 18:46:00 UTC
I agree sfm.


shoebox_addict September 2 2010, 01:21:00 UTC
Yeah, I am really, really unhappy about this new change LJ has made. I don't even use Twitter or Facebook, so I won't be linking your stuff. And I'm sure you won't link mine either. <33333


iamashamed September 2 2010, 18:46:16 UTC
Of course not, bb<3


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