About the latest LJ kerfuffle...

Sep 01, 2010 21:32

I'm doing the obligatory DON'T LINK TO MY  FLOCKED ENTRIES, OR COMMENTS YOU'VE MADE IN MY FLOCKED ENTRIES, to facebook or Twitter, post. In fact, don't even link to the unlocked ones. Not a lot of you guys are friends with me on Facebook, so I won't worry too much about that, but just in case you're thinking about doing it. Most of my Twitter feed are people I know over the internet, so it's not that serious, but I still don't want it to happen. I don't want my private comments/Entries to be posted as Facebook /Twitter statuses for your/my friends/family to see. Needless to say, this would be an invasion of privacy; if I want people to know about my LJ, I'll tell them. Likewise, I won't link to any of your posts, and I'm sure of this, because I'm not even risking activating this thing;  I don't want to risk hitting the wrong buttons by mistake, so I'm not touching it.

See, the friends I have on Facebook are mostly people I know 'in real life', like my old high school friends, or my family members. I do not want any of these people to know about my LJ; in fact, I've only told a few people I know 'in real life' about my LJ, and they are all people I trust. And the other way around; only a few trusted people on here know about my Facebook, and my full real life name. The life I lead on LJ, is vastly different from for the one I lead on Facebook(when I'm even on it, but that's another thing).

My LJ: A place for my deepest feelings, thoughts, opinions, rants, fangirling, fandom, fanfic etc, all of which I share with my friends on here, who I trust with the aforementioned things. I feel like this is who I really am, and what I really like/ feel; thus, I'd feel a tad vulnerable if everything was to be shared with everyone I know 'in real life'.

Facebook: A public place, a way to keep contact with my friends and family, even the ones who I don't feel particularly close to. Obviously, I do not want slash fanfic, fangirling, and other personal things, to be shared with the people on there. Only a few fandom people are friends with me on Facebook, and I like to keep it that way. I do not want the girl who bullied me in high school to find out about my online journal; no thanks.

In fact, I don't even want YOUR family/friends on Facebook/Twitter, to know about these things. That's how paranoid I am.

This whole thing is a really bad idea imo. Seriously, WHO wants to share these things with people they know 'in real life' ???.

Anyway, now I've put that out there...

ETA: if anyone wonders what I'm talking about, this   news post explains some of it.   These posts also might make the whole thing a little less confusing.


rant, facebook, fail, oh man oh god, real life, lj, wtf, life, what is this fuckery, friends, no fuck no!

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