Title: Breathe
Author: lovemyfaceoff
Rating:Um I’m not sure. PG-13 for…themes…
Pairings: Hints of past Matt/Mohinder, Possible current Matt/Peter if you choose to see it that way.
Warnings: Angst! hints of slash.
Summary: Well, This is my angst ridden take on what happens after the season finale. Matt and Peter join forces (and from the looks of it they also share a bed…0__0) to take down the Company. Mohinder gives his loyalties to the wrong people. And for some reason the word breathe is repeated a lot. -falls over-
Take in one deep breath. Let it out slowly. Breathe. Remember to breathe. Don't lose it.
Nathan is in his arms. Blood. So much blood. It's all he sees. Peter is beside him clutching at Nathan's body.
“nononono,” He moans but Matt barely hears it. Sound is deadened. Everything moves slowly.
He's never seen anyone look the way Peter looks when Nathan stills and his breathing stops. That look. It's the most painful thing in the world and there is no way to cure it.
~~ ~~ ~~
“The Company did this.”
Matt is beside Mohinder. They are standing just out side of the funeral parlor.
A week ago this conversation would have hurt. But a week ago Matt hadn't watched Nathan get gunned down. A week ago Peter hadn't tried hopelessly to bring him back to life.
Mohinder looks at him.
Remember to breathe.
“The Company killed Nathan.” Saying his name feels wrong somehow.
Mohinder gulps. His eyes are conflicting. They are flicking back and forth between to many emotions. He can't hold eye contact with Matt. He can't even look at Peter.
“They help people.” His voice is so soft. “There is no conclusive proo-”
“Don't. They did it. I was there Mohinder. I saw. I held him when he died.” He never told Mohinder about Peter's blood and Peter's hope. He couldn’t mention Nathan waking up for a brief moment of sputtering, gasping breaths before the power (god, so much power) in Peter’s blood was to much for his body.
“I just don't believe they are the bad guys.”
Matt looks toward the ceiling. “Why is everyone trusting the villains?”
~~ ~~ ~~
Nathan's coffin is deep mahogany.
Peter still has that look on his face. He touches the surface of the coffin. He doesn't know how he is there looking down at Nathan's face. He always had a secret belief that when Nathan's heart stopped his would too. But it just kept beating defiantly.
A hand touches his shoulder. Matt.
Peter realizes he's doesn't speak to Matt aloud anymore.
What did Mohinder say? Talking like this to Matt helps just a little. It loosens some deep pressure in his chest.
There is a storm in Matt's eyes for a second. He's one of them now.
~~ ~~ ~~
What happened to Nathan after the explosion? Peter hates when people don't talk about Nathan around him. He wants honesty. He doesn't want to be treated like a child who lost a best friend. He doesn't want to be hugged and told that everything will be alright. He wants to remember him in everyway.
He became an alcoholic. A short, simple and honest answer. He also grew a horrible beard.
Peter almost smiles.
~~ ~~ ~~
He dreams of Nathan every night. He watches his skin burn and his body fall. He sees bullets fly in slow motion. When he wakes up he can’t breath but then warm hands are on his shoulders holding him firmly. They stroke his back until he coughs, sputters and gulps in a deep lung full of air.
~~ ~~ ~~
Peter kills Bob and it is the easiest thing he has ever done.
~~ ~~ ~~
The hardest thing is standing in front of his mother and forcing the truth from her lips.
He shoots her once in the chest.
Her blood and her life that created Nathan's soaked the front of her fitted jacket. She died, not with a look of confusion or terror on her face, but a look of some long sought after peace.
~~ ~~ ~~
Matt is there in The Company hallway staring at Mohinder's fearful eyes. “This is wrong!” Mohinder's voice is full of misplaced conviction.
Matt's chest aches dully. “If you fight us to defend this place,” Matt raises his gun, “I'll have to fight back.”
“Can't you just force me Matt? Can’t you just make me believe in you?”
“No. Not you Mohinder. I want you to come to your senses naturally.”
Mohinder locks eyes with Matt. Slowly, he advances. When he reaches Matt he almost collapses into his arms. He looks up, his nose brushes against Matt's cheek, and winds his arms around his neck. Mohinder's heart is hammering in his chest.
Matt looks down at him, into his deep brown eyes, and nearly cries at what he sees there. He presses the gun into Mohinder's side.
“I wanted to say goodbye Matthew.”
“You would honestly die for this people?”
~~ ~~ ~~
Peter reaches out to touch Matt’s hand as they reach the sidewalk and turn back to watch the fire lick at the sky. It’s just one building, one part of The Company. There are others to destroy.
“Will this save the world?” Peter whispers aloud. His voice is a little scratchy.
“God I hope so.”