The election plot twist even O. Henry didn't see coming

Oct 02, 2020 20:49

Guess who got the virus!
Go on, guess.

I've had a hard time sleeping recently (stupid brain with its stupid thoughts that wake me in the middle of the night). That's part of how I found myself awake around 3 AM. I also had a throbbing headache. I went potty, I took an ibuprofen, and I turned on the TV, hoping I could find myself something with which to listen to while falling back asleep. The very early news was on, and the headline was that Trump had tested positive for the virus.

(Note that I did not leave the TV on the news; I found a couple episodes of Bunk'd and switched to that.)

It didn't fully register at the time what that meant. It wasn't until several hours later, when I woke up for good, and the news was all over this like bees on my grapes. It actually happened. The man who basically thought this was all a hoax earlier this year finally came down with it.

Initial thought: ABOUT DAMN TIME.

You knew it was going to happen at some point, the way he was so cavalier about it. I mean, he literally just mocked Joe Biden for wearing a mask at the presidential debate this past Tuesday.
...And now do we realize *why* Biden was wearing a mask? Because he knows he's at high risk should he catch this illness, dummy.

I can only imagine the reaction from Trump should Biden have come down with it first. The mocking, the indignation. The declaring that he is weak and unfit to rule this country.
This was Biden's tweet from this morning:
Jill and I send our thoughts to President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump for a swift recovery. We will continue to pray for the health and safety of the president and his family.
7:45 AM · Oct 2, 2020

Classy. This is an appropriate response from someone looking to lead an entire country.

Now, granted, this was the tweet immediately previous on Biden's timeline:
Donald Trump will do everything he can to distract from the fact that because of his failed COVID-19 response:

- Over 200,000 Americans have died
- 26 million are on unemployment
- 1 in 6 small businesses risk permanent closure

We can’t let him.
7:40 PM · Oct 1, 2020

Now, it's coming out that people close to the president may have gotten sick due to the press conference last Saturday announcing Amy Coney Barrett as his SCOTUS nominee. I know the president of the University of Notre Dame got called out for attending and not wearing a mask (many people weren't); he's since tested positive. The president wasn't actually tested before the debate on Tuesday. Things have gotten to the point where he's actually hospitalized at Walter Reed tonight, and will stay through the weekend. Likely precautionary, but still.


There's definitely a part of me that hopes he does get more than mild symptoms. I hope he gets what I got. I hope he has the lung issues where it feels like you're breathing outside in below-zero weather when it's above freezing. (They are saying he has had some breathing issues.) I hope he gets the cough that feels like it's coming from the depths of his lungs, and that he coughs every day for weeks on end. That now, when he climbs stairs, he feels fatigued, and that it takes him weeks and months to get his stamina back.

That he has a moment of clarity when he realizes, my God, I've been wrong about everything this whole time.
That he apologizes for being so pig-headed and ignorant of what the experts have been trying to tell him for months.
That he apologizes to every family that lost a loved one because he couldn't bother to even attempt to lead this country through this situation, and only made things worse, and it led to over 200,000 deaths that didn't have to happen.
And that, perhaps, he realizes he is not fit to lead this country, any country, and steps down.

He won't, of course, and he'd probably die before admitting to any of that. And no, I don't have a death wish for him; I'm not *that* big of an asshole. But...I can still hope he loses the election. And given what is currently transpiring, perhaps he'll be all, oh, I need to recover from the virus, it's probably a good thing I don't have to worry about it.

But it happened. He didn't take precautions and now it's caught up to him. Perhaps this will open the eyes of his fervent followers, as well.
And remember: Masks don't take away your freedom. Masks give you freedom. They allow you to do what you want. They're like superhero capes for your face. Wear one proudly. Wear one to protect you and others. Wear one in defiance of those who refuse, to show you think for yourself, you recognize their importance, and to show you give a crap about your fellow human beings.

sickness, pandemic, politics

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