We're #1, three years in a row

May 20, 2020 19:40

Over the weekend, 2020 was noted as being the 3rd wettest May on record, behind 2019 (8.25") and 2018 (8.21"). At mere tenths of an inch behind both, it would take one decent rainfall to surpass both of those. ...Which we did. Congratulations, for the third year in a row, we've had the wettest May on record--and we still have a week and a half to go. Goody. This tweet from the National Weather Service has a graphic that breaks it down, but as of yesterday, we've had 8.49" of rain. No wonder the rivers are so high, though the DuPage definitely was down a bit yesterday from where it was on Friday. We had sunshine today, but even with no rain, some areas are so flooded as to be impassable, like near my mom's job. She works off River Road not far from our old neighborhood and it's notorious for flooding out. As in this morning, the intersection of River and Grand Avenue was still waterlogged. (It also made me wonder about St. Joseph's Cemetery, which is on the east side of the river--my great-great-grandparents are buried immediately off the road that is adjacent to the river inside the cemetery, maybe 50 feet from the water. I wonder if their plot got submerged.)

Meanwhile, the tallest building in the immediate area (formerly the world) lost power due to flooding. The Sears Willis Tower not only gained a face in its blacked-out status, but it knocked a number of TV and radio stations off the air. From Robert Feder, they include Channel 2, Channel 11, and Channel 26 and its substations, plus WLS 94.7 FM and WFMT 98.7 FM. I had heard a few people mention that the other day, that they were having issues with certain stations, but that's a lot of not-broadcasting right now.

tv, weather, flood

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