Camp: Wednesday

Aug 01, 2018 13:52

Yesterday appeared to be a rainy day over there--likely not bad enough to cancel swimming, but enough to be an annoyance in the afternoon and evening. Here, we had the humidity, and I thought I heard thunder a few times once it got dark, but I don't think we got any rain.

What would I miss about Wednesday...
--It's the day where everything speeds up. Monday and Tuesday are slower-paced, but from here on out it's like a race to the weekend
--In the olden days, it would be taco night
--Wednesdays were known for being unpredictable: Anything can happen. Kris and I loved to reference taco night because we lived through the year when the sewage backed up into the kitchen on taco night, necessitating dinner to be moved out onto the front lawn. And, strangely enough, when taco night was moved off of Wednesdays (and then discontinued altogether), Wednesdays got better. Coincidence?
--It's the day where I'd start taking sectional pictures, which would come in handy to learn all the kids' names, especially for the following year but also in labeling my other pictures
--Up until the past few years, it was the day when we'd have Monster Band rehearsal. Talk about chaos. But I miss that; we stopped doing it when enrollment declined, because there were so few kids involved that we no longer made a monster of a band and it was just a big hassle in a lot of ways, corralling everyone, moving all the chairs back and forth from both the caf and the chapel to the parking lot in front of the caf (and God forbid if it rained). But the little kids thought it was *so* cool to play with the big kids, and play harder, fun music (lots of pop tunes, then later it skewed more patriotic in light of Mr. M's son's military duties--he's a Navy lifer)
--Getting to relax under the shade of the tree in front of the nurse's cabin, and not having to yell at so many kids for stuff like not wearing shoes to and from the lake, since by now they'd mostly know the routine
--Dodge ball, back when we still had the gym--not that I'd actually play, but it was one more activity at night that the kids (and counselors) really enjoyed--we had a faction of counselors who would buy these really funky, garish knee socks to wear in dodge ball for whatever reason
--Reminding the counselors that, while most of them could participate in the scary hike in some fashion on Thursday night, a few had to stay behind (some years, that was hard; some years, I'd have to go, no, seriously, more of you need to do the hike)
--Wednesday seemed like water balloon day in recent years; that went over really well
--We'd finally start whittling down the music to definitely no, it's a possibility, and yes, absolutely. Some songs you just know; some songs you hope for; some are purely a surprise

Which reminds me, I'm so glad we ended with the Dirty Dancing song last year.


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