Who: Naoto, Ky Kiske, and Kougaij and the ducklings
What: The roomies decide to take a brief vacation from the chaos.
When: Right after Naoto's minor Fuyumine-induced breakdown.
Where: On the other side of the island, SOME RANDOM BEACH.
Rating/Warnings: PG, some emo no hot sex, sorry
Naoto hadn't said much on their trek to find a quiet and secluded place, well away from the other islanders. She hadn't originally thought such a place would exist, but the small area of beach had proved her wrong. There were no monkeys flinging coconuts, no loud people screaming about something or other... and no Saitou traipsing around in Fuyumine's body.
Her mouth tightened slightly as her coat flapped in the breeze, only reminding her of her mentor even more. Had this really been a good idea? There was no denying that Ky and Kougaiji deserved a break, too, but why bother dragging her along? She'd only bring the mood down.
If only she hadn't been so lost in thought... she might have noticed the four ducklings hurrying after her and milling around her feet. She might have moved. She might have stopped.
Instead, the littlest one (the one Ky so fondly called Teacup) decided to gain her attention by getting in her path. Foot met duckling, a yelp emerged involuntarily as she tried to avoid stepping on him, that foot then slipped, and down went Naoto. With the ducklings cheeping anxiously by her ear and trying to climb onto her head to see if she was still alive.
Yes, this was clearly a great idea.