All I Ever Wanted

Aug 10, 2011 23:58

Title: All I Ever Wanted

Author: i_love_sungmin

Pairing: KyuMin, side EunHae

Rating: PG-13

Genre: Slice of life/ Comedy/ Romance/Drama

Type: Two parts

Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior (but I wish I really did)

Warning: Gender Switch/Character Deaths

Summary: Sungmin and Kyuhyun found themselves set up together in a blind date by each other’s best ( Read more... )


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Comments 14

grace_uni August 10 2011, 16:08:27 UTC

Yay! another genderswitch! :) Cant wait for the next update!!

Did u get the idea by any chance from a movie?:) the storyline is somewhat familiar :))

anyway, I really love girl!min :D Cant wait!


i_love_sungmin August 10 2011, 16:16:51 UTC
Yes the idea is from a movie that I have watched. ;) but I did add a few scenes not from the movie to have a difference but the storyline is the same. :) thanks for reading and commenting sweetie.


blurzpoo August 10 2011, 16:10:59 UTC
OOohhh.. Poor EunHae

But I love the story line... wanna read more!!


i_love_sungmin August 10 2011, 16:14:22 UTC
thanks for reading and commenting bb. :)


unbroken_glass August 10 2011, 16:54:24 UTC
omg fyeah am loving this so far! :D please update soon!


i_love_sungmin August 10 2011, 17:36:18 UTC
thanks for loving it and commenting bb. :D


nicapot August 10 2011, 22:38:14 UTC
omooooo ~~ EunHae dies :( *cries* poor Hae-yun.
but don't worry your godmother and father will take care of you.

yaaaaay! this is so good, GREAT! except the part where EunHae dies it is not good nor great. but the story is :)

can't wait for the next chapter! hihihi :D


i_love_sungmin August 11 2011, 05:03:24 UTC
awww thank you bb. i'm sorry for the eunhae part i get sad by it too but the story calls for it. expect more nice things on the next chapter their will be even a smut scene. XD


nicapot August 11 2011, 11:51:01 UTC
ayt! kekeke ~ I'm so excited hihihi :D


farahsuju August 11 2011, 16:42:25 UTC
I read sooo many angst fic tonight >.<
is this consider as angst?
Or is it sad??


fail me


i_love_sungmin August 13 2011, 15:35:08 UTC
you can consider it angst since it is a tragedy...

read something fluffy for a change don't be sad ne?

thanks for reading and commenting bb


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