All I Ever Wanted

Aug 10, 2011 23:58

Title: All I Ever Wanted

Author: i_love_sungmin

Pairing: KyuMin, side EunHae

Rating: PG-13

Genre: Slice of life/ Comedy/ Romance/Drama

Type: Two parts

Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior (but I wish I really did)

Warning: Gender Switch/Character Deaths

Summary: Sungmin and Kyuhyun found themselves set up together in a blind date by each other’s best friends; upon first meeting each other the two has concluded they will never ever be a perfect match. A couple of years later the two will have to do whatever it takes to help a little baby they call their goddaughter.


A girl sits in her living room sipping chai tea in between reading a novel. Her date was suppose to be there any minute now but for some reason the guy still hasn’t arrived yet. She can’t believe she let Hae, her best friend set her up with one of Eunhyuk’s buddies. Knowing her best friend Hae before meeting Eunhyuk she had a very weird taste in men. There was no backing out now anyway Eunhyuk practically gave away her address to the psycho who will take her out for dinner later. A slow grumble came from Sungmin’s stomach. Talk about first impressions, he was definitely making one this very minute. Call it perfect timing when finally a solid hand was heard knocking on the front door. Sungmin looked at her reflection and smoothed out her hair before opening the door.

A man wearing a black leather jacket and ragged jeans appeared before her eyes. He was smirking as he slightly scratched his hair.

“So was I late?”

“Yeah, just an hour late though.”

“So are you ready to go?”

“Of course, I’ve been waiting since forever for you to get here. “

At that Sungmin locked the front door of her apartment. Kyuhyun on the other hand looked at the girl while she was doing this. She was wearing a little black dress which showed her décolletage perfectly. She was pretty but she looked a bit stiff and stern to him. She seems boring and predictable. Not his type, why on earth would Eunhyuk pick this woman for me? Kyuhyun can’t help but shake his head in dismay before leading her out of the apartment. They walked and chatted casually up to the front of the apartment where Kyuhyun’s motorcycle is parked.

“So where’s your car?”

“I don’t have one, we will use my bike. Here put this on” giving the helmet to Sungmin.

“Do I look like someone fit to ride a motorcycle? Seriously Kyuhyun let’s take my car instead.” throwing the helmet back to Kyuhyun.

Sungmin quickly walked away from Kyuhyun not even caring that she was walking too fast. Kyuhyun just sighed and followed her towards the car. Sungmin took out the car key from her purse and pressed the automatic unlock button.

“Well what are you waiting for? Let’s go Kyuhyun.”

Kyuhyun awkwardly shuts the door close. Nothing but silence was heard as the two stared at the road ahead. Sungmin took a deep breath before initiating the conversation.

“So where did you plan for us to eat?”

“Where do you want to go?”

“Don’t tell me you didn’t get any reservations. I’ve waited for an hour, you don’t have a car and now we don’t have a place to eat. Well you are turning out to be the worst first date ever.”

Sungmin’s rantings was interrupted by the ringing of Kyuhyun’s cellphone and she was silenced.

“Hello? Oh, it’s you. I know I’ll be back early. I know you’re sick. I’ll be back around 9:30.”

Kyuhyun flipped the phone before looking at Sungmin’s direction.

“So you’re friend is sick? Is she really you’re friend? I don’t want to waste time here.”

“Fine, she’s not my friend. She’s more than that. Let’s end this right now, it’s pointless. We have no chemistry and I don’t like you.” muttered by a very irritated Kyuhyun leaving Sungmin alone in the car as he shuts the door close, she taught that was the last time she will ever see that man again. But as faith has decided it would only be the beginning.


The whole place was filled with the buzzing sound of people hurrying about. Eager to take their seats before the program starts. The place was a hall enough to fit two hundred people. It had a beautiful ballroom floor at the center and a stage was right in front of it were the newlyweds sat. The place was decorated with white lace hangings. Making the room appear as if it was a Moroccan palace, gold chandelier lamps where strategically put up to make the room glow softly, hues of red and violet give a splash of color. Red roses, yellow tulips and blue daffodils where placed in each one of the guests tables. Standing proudly was a three layer white pearl tiered cake adorned with Swarovski and red rose petals.

The new bride and groom is Lee Donghae and Lee Hyukjae respectively. They have exchanged vows in a cathedral near the reception earlier. The two had been high school sweethearts for five years before Eunhyuk popped the question to Hae.

Somewhere in the crowd Sungmin was smiling happily with the sight of her best friend finally married. She has been supportive of the two since the very beginning. Eunhyuk was the one person that passed with her standards, and she was glad that her best friend picked the right man to marry. She was daydreaming of future godchildren to come when her reverie was stopped by a man’s voice. It was Cho Kyuhyun, the same Cho Kyuhyun who made it into her worst date category. She was the bride’s maid and he was the best man, how can fate be anymore crueler than this muttered Sungmin to herself.

“Ladies and Gentlemen can I have your attention please?” echoed his smooth silky voice as he was about to give his speech for the lovely couple.

“I believe the saying that God only gives the person you deserve. And I am happy to say it also holds true to my best friend Eunhyuk. He has found the best person he will spend the rest of his life with. For this lovely couple I just wish you all the happiness in this life. May you grow old together and have a lifetime filled with wonderful memories. Love you both. Cheers.”

For once Sungmin was taken aback by what Kyuhyun have said. She was surprised, she didn’t think he could say such things and for that she decided she can live with the idea of having him as a friend. She brushed off all the ill things that happened before and slowly made his way towards his table. He was on his back and was unable to see her approaching him. She took a deep breath and touched his shoulder.

“Hey, nice speech. You’re not such an asshole after all.”

“Haha, hi. I know. We had a very terrible start. Can’t blame you. So I guess we’ll be seeing each other more often now.”

“Maybe. It was nice seeing you Kyuhyun take care.”

“You too Sungmin. See you.”


Eunhyuk’s eyes are glistening in tears, a miracle has just happened before his eyes. His wife Donghae just gave birth to their first born child and it was a healthy baby girl. She weighed 6.5 pounds, a perfect little being that fits snuggly into his arms as he holds her tight in his arms. He looked at his wife and could never been more proud with her now than any moment in their life together. He slowly went towards Hae and gave the baby to his mom. A tear fell from her eye as she cradled her baby. She never thought that motherhood could bring such happiness as she looked into her little darling. Eunhyuk taking advantage of Hae’s distraction kissed his wife in the forehead. She giggled in response and looked at her husband; she then touched the side of his face at that he bent slowly and kissed her now on the lips.

“Aheeeemmmmmm… you two get a room. You guys are so lovey-dovey. People this is a hospital not your bedroom.” Said Kyuhyun as he entered the room with flowers and a fruit basket for Hae.

“Seriously why are you such a cold person Kyuhyun, never mind him guys. Congratulations with your angel.”  Replied Sungmin as she enters the room, smiling at Hae and Hyuk.

“Well frankly Sungmin would you do the same thing? These two are obviously nuts.”

“Yes they are nuts for each other. Deal with it, someday you’ll be in love by then I’ll be the one pestering you with I told you so’s.”

“That will never happen Minnie, I don’t believe in such things.”

“Whatever you say Kyu. So how are you Donghae? When are you guys going home?

“We’ll be out by the end of the week. I just need to heal the stitches and then we are good to go.”

At that Donghae smiles to her husband. Contented with the family they are about to start.

“Yaaaah…. I forgot to announce. You and Kyuhyun will be the godparents of our little daughter. So Sungmin better get used to his antics.”

“Aiggooo… how can I ever refuse you Donghae.” Muttered Sungmin as Kyuhyun snickers in victory.


“Do you really have to bake so many cupcakes Minnie?” asked Kyu as he juggles 5 boxes full of cupcakes in his hand while Sungmin pushes the doorbell of the house where Donghae and Eunhyuk lives. Sungmin was clacking her heels on the floor patiently waiting for one of their friends to open it.

“Do you really have to ignore me? I’m asking you something.”

“Kyuhyun you jerk, it is our goddaughter’s birthday today. We are expected to do something significant. And for your information those aren’t just ordinary cupcakes they are strawberry flavored with a chocolate filling which I painstakingly done all by myself. “

At that moment they were greeted by a smiling Donghae carrying her daughter. Hae-yun was so cute wearing a white ballerina dress with lace tulle. The sight of their goddaughter was enough to stop the bickering of the two. They were lost in her little world as they look lovingly at her. A few seconds after Hyukkie went towards them and helped Kyu with the boxes before leaving they asked Minnie directions on where to put the boxes.

Sungmin was holding her goddaughter gently rocking her back and forth. A look of content was written all over her face as Donghae and Eunhyuk looked from afar, smiling to themselves as they were very happy that all of their friends have came to their little angel’s birthday. As instructed by Minnie, Kyu was unpacking the cupcakes out from the box and was lining them according to color. After a while little Hae-Yun cried and Donghae went towards her friend to coo the little baby. Making silly faces at her child so it would stop crying, once she stopped crying Min gave the baby back to Hae to tend the cupcakes waiting for her at the kitchen.

She saw Kyuhyun arranging them neatly and a smile formed from her face. Although they were nowhere near to being lovers, the two who once started out as hating each other’s guts where now friends.

“I think it’s my turn now. Thank you Kyu.”

“Awwww, alright I’ll leave all the magic to you. Make those kids crazy with the cupcakes.” Replied Kyu as he winks before turning around and heading to the direction of the living room.

Sungmin then carefully brought out a crystal stand with a three layer tier. She placed the cupcakes on each layer, first one the pink, second yellow and the third blue. It looked even more beautiful as she topped each one with a delicate daisy flower. After fifteen minutes of preparation she finally was finished with their treats. It looked like a tower of bouquet as the daisies formed a bunch on the center piece. She then put on a candle to one of the cupcakes and lighted it; she carried it carefully and slowly walked towards the living room.

Everyone went silent and looked at Sungmin carrying the cupcakes. Then one by one they started to sing.

“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, happy birthday happy birthday Hae-Yun.”

At that Donghae and Eunhyuk both blew the candle of their daughter’s cupcake cake and everyone clapped and cheered on as each one takes a cupcake of their own.


The sound of roaring sirens echoed the night sky in one of the busy streets of Seoul. In an intersection a couple smashed their car on one of the street lamps killing them both from the collision. The officers quickly responded and took them out of the car to be rushed to the hospital. After a few minutes the ambulance came and took them to the nearest hospital.

The couple who meet the accident were the Lee’s, Eunhyuk and Donghae. They were strapped into the ambulatory stretchers and was given first aid but still no life has responded from either of the two. Donghae was seated on the passenger seat and received most of the blows from the force of the smash of the car to the lamp post, as she was being examined by the medical officer on board it was found that she fractured all her ribs crashing her heart on the process which lead to instant death. While Eunhyuk upon impact hit his head on the driver’s wheel resulting instant brain hemorrhage resulting to circulatory collapse as the brain no longer functions. By the time they arrived on the hospital the couple was pronounced dead on arrival by the doctors at the emergency room. As listed on their identity cards Lee Sungmin and Cho Kyuhyun would be contacted in case of any emergency.

At two in the morning Sungmin’s cellphone rang and it was placed on her night stand. It rang for a couple of times before she woke up from her sleep. Still sleepy she slowly walked towards her night stand and answered the call.


“Is this Ms. Lee Sungmin?”

“Yes, who is this?

“This is officer Choi from the Seoul Police Department, please come to the station as we will have to discuss some things with you.”

“Mr. Choi, I haven’t committed a single crime why would I go there?”

“Just please come, it is very important.”

“Fine, I’ll be there in twenty minutes. Bye.”

At that she ended the call and went towards her closet to get some clothes to wear. Meanwhile Cho Kyuhyun was in a bar having a good time with his friend Shindong when his phone rang.


“Is this Cho Kyuhyun I am speaking too?”

“Yes. Might I ask who is calling?”

“I am officer Kibum Kim, I am calling to tell you that someone listed you as their contact emergency person. For this matter you are obliged to go to the station right now due to some circumstances.”

“Ah okay. I’ll be there as soon as I can officer.”

Kyu then took one last drink, explained a bit to Shindong why he has to leave him and waved goodbye to his friend. He hailed a taxi just outside the bar and told the cab driver to take him to the police station. A concern look crossed his face as they approached the station. He paid the man and thanked him for the safe ride. He nervously entered from the front door to the lobby.

“Can I see Officer Kibum. I am here to talk to him.”

At that the police officer on the lobby lifted the telephone and dialed directly to Kibum’s phone and mentioned the arrival of his expected guest. Before Kibum even came Sungmin arrived at the station and ran inside where she bumped with Kyuhyun.

“I’m so sorry.” Said Sungmin as she bowed down to apologize to the person she has collided with.

Looking curiously Kyu recognized that it was Sungmin and a smile slowly stretched from his face.

“It’s okay Sungmin, it’s me.”

Surprised by the man’s answer Sungmin raised herself to find Kyuhyun looking at him with a smirk. So it was him she bumped into well whatever she thought.

“Aheeeem. I am officer Kibum and I am here to tell you something. This will probably shock the both of you.”

“Why, what is it? Replied Sungmin as a worry face starts to appear.

“Your friends Lee Eunhyuk and Lee Donghae died an hour ago from a car accident. We are very sorry to inform you about this, and we offer our condolences but as you might have guessed they listed you as their contact person and the guardian of their daughter Hae-yun.”

Sungmin was now crying and was hiding her face with her palms while Kyu stands firmly as he tries to control his tears from falling. The two was more than shocked they were devastated to lose their best friends. Kyu comforted Sungmin by putting an arm around her shoulder as the officer continues to explain what happened. Everything now seems a blur as they listened to the rain as it starts to fall and the emptiness in their hearts starts to emerge. The two was escorted back to the Lee’s residence so they could look after their goddaughter. They said thanks again to the officers for giving them a ride before coming in the house.

Sungmin turned on the lights of the hallway and was greeted by their best friend’s wedding picture. Kyu looked around the house everything seemed normal as if nothing happened. So why was this happening to them? Why did they have to lose two of the most important persons in their life? All of the questions left unanswered slowly drifted away as the sound of a baby crying echoed the corridors and the two ran upstairs to find their goddaughter alone in her bed.

Comments are loved.


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