"You can be what you want to be"

Jul 26, 2012 16:22

"Whatever in this world makes you happy,
don't listen to them,
listen to me"
I love that song by the Tossers. It comforts me when I doubt the strength of my own dreams. Music alters my mood a lot.

Because deep down I am really a goth kid )

schools, still a goth kid deep down, death, life, graveyards, tell me a story, work

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Comments 3

lusimeles July 26 2012, 23:11:49 UTC
graveyards creep me out but i have definitely noticed that they can also be strangely beautiful. i like your observation about graveyards being near playgrounds/elementary schools; that is definitely really poetic!


i_llbedammned July 31 2012, 22:17:32 UTC
I am glad you think it is poetic. I always worry that such thoughts come off too heavy handed.


lusimeles July 31 2012, 22:23:11 UTC
it might still be, i have no idea, i have a very high tolerance for heavy-handed things... ;)


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