"You can be what you want to be"

Jul 26, 2012 16:22

"Whatever in this world makes you happy,
don't listen to them,
listen to me"
I love that song by the Tossers. It comforts me when I doubt the strength of my own dreams. Music alters my mood a lot.

Saw the most lovely graveyard today. I don't know why, but I feel like the graveyard was very peaceful. It was built on a hill and the graves just seem to spill down the side of a hill like a waterfall of lost souls. I don't know why it took me so long, but I just realized the other day that I work at a school. The graves literally go up to the side of the school.

Kind of strange and macabre, but I've noticed all these schools that I work near have graveyards in the backyard. It's like Playground and then BAM, graves. Part of me wants to look at it artistically. It wants to go "Why how poetic, from the cradle to grave right there summed up in one shot. They are barely growing and yet there lies the constant reminder of their mortality. They play on top of the dead and learn with the dead watching over them. They cannot escape it, nor can we all."

The other part of me goes "Well they need to build somewhere. It's like towns have unlimited resources."

Despite that grim overview of things, because I never really outgrew my goth stage in life, life has been good to me. I actually have work, which is good, and it's almost enough to help me keep up with my school bills.

Been having a lot of ideas lately, lots of Supernatural-esque ones that involed unters travelling down the road in a car all over the U.S. hunting things down. I will write those down separately.

I must be scurrying off. I am going to go tell stories to my friends for a bit, maybe this one will be about lightning weilding mages.

schools, still a goth kid deep down, death, life, graveyards, tell me a story, work

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