
Sep 21, 2011 13:39

A new season of Glee has started. I'm still hanging around.

.... erh, yes. Let's get this ball rollin', shall we?

Glee. 3x01: The Purple Piano Project )

music pimpin', genre: horror, fandom: glee, otp: prettiestgirliknow, otp: songbird

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Comments 14

immortality September 21 2011, 20:13:51 UTC
I feel like new!Quinn and Santana are really the only things people care about these days, re: Glee.


hyena_gal September 21 2011, 21:21:17 UTC
Pretty much, yep. Well, unless you're a Klaine fangirl, that is... :P

Glee really is my Brokeback Mountain -- I wish I knew how to quit it, but I just keep coming back.


majorrogue September 21 2011, 21:06:27 UTC
Gotta say, not really liking the new quinn story! i hope they get it over with quickly!! and I didn't get the tattoo thing either!

beiste = awesome! :D her squeel made me laugh out loud! :)


hyena_gal September 21 2011, 21:28:22 UTC
They do -- she'll be back to blonde in one-two episodes max.

Not going to lie, I like the look. But that's mostly because Agron can pull it off -- that girl could wear nothing but cellophane, and she'd still look stunning.

Thing is, they should have just started out with writing her like this: see, I wrote the short, general gist of how an AU version of season 1 punk!Quinn would have been a dream come true, basically. And I don't need it as a fic idea, I already have too many. So many fic ideas. ;_;

Beiste is always awesome.


majorrogue September 21 2011, 21:39:27 UTC
i didnt think they'd be carrying it on for long.....this is glee after all!! lol!

for me she look too much like madonna in the 80's and no one needs to see that again!! lol :D

not really on the same subject but you saying about punks.... its about bloody time pucks 'mohawk' got longer!!! i work with a guy who has a mohawk and the one puck has had the last 2 seasons? rubbish!! (although it isn't all that much longer!!)


hyena_gal September 21 2011, 21:51:23 UTC
Continuity -- will it show up this season? *bites nails in excitement*

Hahaha, personally, I find Agron more attractive than Madonna, but, yeah, I guess I get what you're saying. ;) She has an ~artist's sou~, okay? It means you dress like that. My first thoughts when I saw the pink hair was that she was channeling some Utena business. ;P

Lol, I've had the faux hawk haircut once, the 'long' version of it - it was nice to touch. All soft and fuzzy. :P Yeah, he should grow his hair out and then a get real big ass one. I did spot him wearing a Danzig T-shirt in this episode, tho. ;P


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