(no subject)

Sep 21, 2011 13:39

A new season of Glee has started. I'm still hanging around.

.... erh, yes. Let's get this ball rollin', shall we?

Glee. 3x01: The Purple Piano Project

- Erh... yeah, I'd heard about Mercedes' new boyfriend and, uh, yeah. "There's a new man in Mercedes' life now... and he's my future plans." Uh, whut? No. Just... erh, no.
- "... and modelling my fierceness after my numero uno Latina: Paula Abdul." - "Paula Abdul is an Arab." Lol! Awww, bebes are all "hey!" and "hey!" and d'awww! :3
- Lol, yes, let's kick the fat girl off the team. I haven't been a Lauren fan at any point during the show, but this kind of smells like: no fatties, mmkay?
- Uh, "no one's heard from her?" Did they try to contact her? Show up at her house? What? Okay, leave the emotionally vulnerable girl all alone all summer, yeah, that sounds like a stellar plan. -_-
- Ironic tattoo of Ryan Seacrest? Ironic... in the way that it's a comment on today's music business or what? I dunno. The joke is kind of lost on me. Why not let her get a tattoo of someone, I don't know, she actually looks up to or something? A tattoo that means something to her? Writers, you're just going to fuck this hot piece of ass over, aren't you? No love, Me. 
- "I'm not interested in the boys or the make-up or polyester outfits." Good on you, you big homo, Quinn. ;3 Come here and let me love you!
- UGH, that little 'hmm' she just made, ARGH, LET ME DIE! Oh God, she shouldn't be as hot as she is, but it can't be helped! Holy mother of deliciousness! Also, Santana is actually showing her non-bitchy side, I approve of this. 
- Akjsyfkshgksufsfljllsghsoiy, Quinn looking at Rachel! My gonads, they can't take it! But, uh: "We used to be friends once..." So, what changed? One summer of not seeing each other and then you're not friends anymore? Uh... "Forty-year-old skateboarder." Ew. Awww, look at Quinn, she wants to join again.
- Gee, that's not putting Santana in a pinch at all, Sue. Also, Betty and Santana as co-captains, hahaha, I approve. 
- "I've got pepperoni in my bra." - "Those are your nipples." LOL, yes, I guess you would know, Santana~. ;)
- Hahaha, Rachel's face.  
- LOL, Beiste pig-squealing! I love you, Beiste. 
- Obligatory sitting-in-a-car-while-it's-raining scene. Every season has it. 
- Uh, actually, Will, Santana wasn't among the Cheerios who doused the piano with gasoline or whatever. And for your information, Quinn, not a Cheerio, was the one who set it on fire, soooo: boo on you for *still* being a shitty teacher. 
- Awww, Quinn, baby girl, wanting to join!!! "Why won't you looove me, Rachel?" ♥

And, now, gif time:

This episode was dedicated to Quinn and her being an awesome heterosexual, obvs:

"God, Rachel, the things I'd do to you if we were alone."

"Thank God for the perv who invented sunglasses! Nobody can tell that I'm staring at their butts!"

"Rachel, Rachel, Ra-cheeeel, notice me, I'm up here, looking at you with unbridled longing! I just want to be noticed!" ;_;


So, I was reading a Japanese horror manga late last night while just randomly clicking around Youtube as you do to listen to some playlist while reading it...

And this song started playing just when things we're getting interesting.

I think I deserve a goddamn award for setting the right mood. Good unintentional job, self. *pats own shoulder* 

music pimpin', genre: horror, fandom: glee, otp: prettiestgirliknow, otp: songbird

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