Now with a little less mohawk

May 12, 2010 16:18

Glee: 1x18

- Ahaha, I like how Quinn doesn't even bother to pretend like she's singing. She's just standing there, mouth closed and all. 
- Oh, Puck. Making eyes at people while in a dumpster. That's our guy right there, alright. But I sort of, kind of want to see more Puck/Mercedes now? 
- Burt, you're sort of insensitive. Give your son a manly hug, why don't ya?
- So, we're finally told where Quinn's been staying all along during the baby drama. Also, where is all the Mercedes/Quinn fic, damnit?
- Hahaha, Finn approves of Kurt's song choice. That little smile when he starts singing... and having Brittany as pretend girlfriend is *totes* straight of you, Kurt. Yep. 
- Puck, you are a great big nerd. But I have to agree, Super Mario is a classic if we're talking video games.
- Girls, forget about the boy. *You two* should get together. Or, may I suggest... Mercedes/Santana/Quinn? But, in all seriousness, why the hell would Mercedes go singing that song seconds after we've been informed that she's *aware* that Puck is taking advantage of her, and that she knows what this arrangement between them is all about? Uhm....
- I think I like Rachel and Finn together as friends. Just that. Because Finn chasing after Rachel is all sorts of annoying, really. His rendition of Jessie's Girl had a 'kid who's not allowed to get that new shiny toy he wants' vibe coming off it like whoa.
- Awkward!Rachel is Adorable!Rachel. 
- Why didn't Quinn get to sing, weak voice notwithstanding?

Additional meme. For the taking if the desire should strike:

001. What songs are you currently addicted to?
Several songs by Hot Chip. And remixes of songs done by Fake Blood.

002. What are you currently reading?
The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter. Really good.

003. What was the last movie you saw?
The Human Centipede. Let me stress: watch it at your own risk. Own. Risk.

004. What makes you angriest/most frustrated right now?
Thinking about my future in terms of whether everything will work out the way I want it to, etc, etc.

005. Favorite historical figure?
Eh. Elizabeth Bathory still continues to fascinate me to this day...

006. What is your current addiction?
Bridget Regan and Tabrett Bethell's *faces*. Guh.

007. Favorite & least favorite musicals?
Uhm. Not that I'm that interested in musicals, but... Rocky Horror Picture Show and West Side Story, I guess. *shrug*

008. What was the last thing you bought?
A train ticket. The luxury!

009. Do you have more friends online or off?

010. Something that made you laugh today?
Ralp Wiggums sings Spice Girls

011. Favorite non-alcoholic beverage?
Tea. No sugar, no milk.

012. What was the last thing you ate?
An apple.

013. Favorite superhero team?
The Scoobies count, right?

014. Favorite website?

015. What are your plans for tomorrow?
To continue writing on this fic for this fest that I kind of have a deadline for. *stop goddamn procrastinating, self!*

016. What kind of music is contained in your hard drive?
Eh, two songs from the latest Muse album and La Roux's La Roux, and that's it.

017. Worst remake ever?
I'm sceptical of all remakes, so... (but I seem to recall the version of The House on Haunted Hill from 1999 to be really very not good, in any case.)

018. Pet peeve?
When people change the 'she' to 'he' or vice versa in a song, because 'lol! I could never sing about a *girl/boy* in that way!' God, just shut up! *grumbles*

019. Guilty pleasure?
I love vampire AUs?

fandom: glee, meme: c'est moi

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