Legend of the Seeker

May 14, 2010 16:21

They're not letting this series get a third season? Why not? It's fabulously entertaining! I've jumped on the wagon with season 2, and am as of now 12 episodes into it:

So, apparently there's this guy called Richard Cypher, and he is the True Seeker? In the first season's finale he apparently killed a douchebag called Darken Rahl who was, like, really evil and shit, but of course that doesn't mean Richard's job is through. Quite on the contrary. After Darken Rahl wakes up in the underworld, his master, the Keeper, who until now has only consisted of a booming, ominous voice, wants him to reach beyond the grave and interfere with Richard's life, literally.

In the season two opener Richard is told by Zedd, wizard of the First Order and his surprise!grandfather, that he too is *le gasp* also a Rahl (which means his real name is Richard Rahl, which imho sounds *ridiculous*, but I digress) and so he should really go and rule in Darken Rahl's stead, but hold on a sec - the problem now is that there's been created this rift between the underworld and the living world, and it is now the Seeker's job together with his band of merry men to find the Stone of Tears, the only thing which can put a stop to all of this.

Richard is a likeable fellow, really. Sometimes a bit dense, perhaps, but he always has his heart in the right place, and the way Craig Horner plays him only conveys this sentiment. Richard = ♥!

Bridget Regan is someone who has been repeatedly hit with the pretty stick, and thank all that is good and wholesome in this world for this fact.

And Cara is, yes, I admit it, the reason why I'm watching. Well, her and Bridget - both really.

On to the episodes:

2x01: Marked - The Episode where Cara Takes a Bath, and All Viewers are Oblivious to What the Plot was Really About. Because, really - Cara. Naked.

2x02: Baneling - The Episode where They Go Looking for an Abbot, There's Fighting, and Cara Tries to Figure Out how to Socially Interact

2x03: Broken - The Episode where it turns out Cara is the Biggest Woobie in all of Midlands!

2x04: Touched - The Episode where We Smell a Rapunzel Theme sort of Going On and There's sort of, kind of Dub-Con

2x05: Wizard - The Episode where it turns out Zedd was a Complete Asshat in his Younger Days

2x06: Fury - The Episode where there's a Lack of General Anger Management and Cara Gets a Bandana. Really.

2x07: Resurrection - The Episode where Field Mice are Grateful and Richard and Cara are Offered Prostitutes

2x08: Light - The Episode where Cara Tries Reverse Psychology and There's Sexy Agiel Time

2x09: Dark - The Episode where Richard is Held Captive in a Convent by Some Evil Nuns and the Subject of Chipmunks is Brought Up (I kid not)

2x10: Perdition - The Episode where the Apocalypse plays out inside Richard's Mind and Cara looks superhot as a badass

2x11: Torn - The Episode where Two's The Trouble and Only Blind People Would Find Bridget Regan Unattractive In This Episode, Trufax!

2x12: Hunger - The Episode where Being Dead Only Complicates Things and Cara Proves Her Worth 

fandom: legend of the seeker

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