sometimes pretty slays me

May 23, 2010 14:51

- Leave a comment saying "Beam me up Scotty!"
- I'll respond by asking you five questions to satisfy my curiosity.
- Update your journal with the answers to your questions.
- Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.

Answers to thevera's questions:
1. How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
Cynical most of the time.

2. What is your favorite holiday?
Summer holiday. The only two reasons really being that 1) it's the longest break you get during the year and 2) I get to have my birthday while lazing about. It's a win-win situation.

3. Which 3 fictional characters would you choose as your BFFs?
Tough one. Hmm, okay - Emily Fitch from Skins as drinking friend, Gwen from Merlin as adorable thoughtful friend, and Cara from LoTS for the snark and the opportunity that would present itself to visit rowdy (gay)bars with her.

4. What is the last thing that made you laugh?
Revolutionary Mean Girl Utena - it's Utena dubbed with the Mean Girls trailer, and it's brilliant - I especially love that Miki and Juri are given the roles of Janis and Damien! And of course Juri badmouthing Shiori, who has "ESPN or something!"

5. What state/province do you live in?
I live in ze Europez. Imma very exotic. :P


So, I am craving a Skins Fairytale!AU after seeing this picture of Kat quite muchly. It'd be the tale of Princess Emily and the beautiful blonde girl with the bluest eyes who steals her heart away and Cook the foulmouthed Kitchen Boy and the rest of the cast and there'd be adventures and girls in love and hey, I'm just saying, it could be fabulous! Fabulous and cracky to boot! Won't anybody write it? :( 
Something else: Dianna Agron wearing leathergloves. *__* Other thing that is noteworthy here - this is the first picture I've seen where I have actually found Mark Salling somewhat handsome. That's an accomplishment. They look like a duo up to no good, don't they? I approve! And if you're like me you're pretending that the dark areas on the dress are from *blood* that's soaked through and then you're extra, extra happy! 

And you may have noticed how I go on about Quinn being in the closet. Well, she is. No, *really*: 

I love Dianna's expression in this. It's like the ultimate facial representation of "Did anyone just see me peek my little pretty homo head outside? Oh noes! I hope not!" - also, where is all the Mercedes/Quinn fication? Seriously?

both pics are off

lovely ladies, fandom: skins, fandom: glee, cracks me up, fandom: [anime] utena, my mind is a minefield, meme: c'est moi

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