I told you that we could fly

Mar 11, 2013 17:06

▪ Meme: The first five people to comment on this post will receive from me, sometime this year, a gift - perhaps a picture I drew for you - a surprise! There will be no warning and it will happen whenever the mood strikes me. The catch? Those five people should make the same offer...

▪ Read Fudoki by Kij Johnson (5 stars out of 5 stars)

▪ Once ( Read more... )

lovely ladies, teh great gay!, books and books!, fandom: legend of the seeker, meme: fandom, fandom: once upon a time, otp: trueloveskiss

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Comments 31

KILL THEM ALL hoshinekoyasha March 11 2013, 19:10:29 UTC


Re: KILL THEM ALL hyena_gal March 11 2013, 19:13:20 UTC
She should burn the whole town down, cast a love spell on Emma and bring her with her as her 'pet', just as the ultimate 'fuck you' to the Charmings. :P

Well, I'd like Ruby and Belle to survive, tho. Granny can escape too. :P


Re: KILL THEM ALL hoshinekoyasha March 11 2013, 19:14:56 UTC
Nooo emma will fall in love with her without a love spell. then she shal save her from depression :D


Re: KILL THEM ALL hyena_gal March 11 2013, 19:16:04 UTC
Well, yes...

But she'd have to see through her parents' bullshit, and that's, gosh, an entire season right there for you. :P


tiny_white_hats March 11 2013, 19:38:10 UTC

That seems like a fun meme. Count me in!

I'm a few weeks behind on OUaT, so no comment on this last episode. But, in reference to the Horowitz tweet, the Aurora/Mulan/Phillip relationship always struck me LGBTQ, but it would be nice if the show could make some explicit statement about that.

As for the video, it seemed to me that it was calling attention to and mocking traditional gender roles, because it was equally mocking to male and female stereotypes. It's entirely possible that I'm completely wrong, though.


hyena_gal March 11 2013, 19:46:37 UTC
Awesome! :)

I ship Aurora/Mulan, but as much as I wish it wasn't, it's still only at subtext level. The show still has to show us a canonically queer character.

Yeah, that's how I viewed it too, but I couldn't help but feel it sort of ended up in the grey zone between the two examples I gave? Or maybe it was just because I didn't find it that funny in the first place... But yes. :P Thank you for input!


femme_slash_fan March 11 2013, 20:22:11 UTC
*skids into post*

Yes please with the meme!

(I'm already doing it)


hyena_gal March 11 2013, 20:28:03 UTC


femme_slash_fan March 12 2013, 18:29:18 UTC
... I'm totally stumped as to what to write for you... it may end up being a very cracky fic.


hyena_gal March 12 2013, 18:30:52 UTC
Write what you feel like writing. :) I'm gonna enjoy it no matter what it ends up being.


hibernate March 13 2013, 19:21:18 UTC
hibernate , how come you haven't talked about this? ;)

I should, shouldn't I? It is certainly worthy of discussion, I have just been seriously strapped for time lately. As evidenced by the fact that this is the first time I'm checking LJ for a week! Stupid work. But I should definitely do my best to find time to talk about my Seeker babies, and Once - which I'm still totally into and I actually really loved the last ep. It's so weird to me how much flak the show is getting from fandom, because it is giving me pretty much everything I want in a TV show. I agree that it would be very nice with some queer representation, though!


hyena_gal March 13 2013, 19:30:58 UTC
Heh, completely understandable! More meant as a little silly friendly poke, if nothing else. ;)

I liked the last episode too -- it only reaffirmed that Regina is one of my favourite characters. ;P Hmm... I'd like the show to sort out its views as far as family by blood vs adoption goes, as well as the queer/PoC representation goes. I enjoy the characters -- still feel like the show could have been Utena epic with some changes done.


hoshinekoyasha March 18 2013, 09:38:04 UTC
werent you gonna write me emma/gene!regina au like a week ago?


hyena_gal March 18 2013, 12:58:48 UTC
Promises, promises. ;)


hoshinekoyasha March 18 2013, 19:45:20 UTC


hyena_gal March 18 2013, 19:55:03 UTC
"Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies, (tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies)"


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