I told you that we could fly

Mar 11, 2013 17:06

▪ Meme: The first five people to comment on this post will receive from me, sometime this year, a gift - perhaps a picture I drew for you - a surprise! There will be no warning and it will happen whenever the mood strikes me. The catch? Those five people should make the same offer...

▪ Read Fudoki by Kij Johnson (5 stars out of 5 stars)

▪ Once Upon a Time: watched "The Miller's Daughter" and just... goddamn it. Regina, you are too good for this show. I think we should change the title from Once Upon a Time to Hey Everyone, Let's Piss on Regina Mills: The Show.

▪ And more OUaT. Tweet: "6. Nobody on your show is queer=heterosexism". Adam Horowitz: "No 6. How do you know that?" (Adam Horowitz in response to this tweet.) And you know what, all I have to say to this is -- well, show it, don't tell! Show us a queer fairy tale character then! It's not really that much too ask for, is it?

[ X ]

Goddamn you, Tabrett. Goddamn you, Bridget. Just goddamn you~ (
hibernate , how come you haven't talked about this? ;) )

image Click to view

So I don't know if it's me being a bit dense here but.... I can't really figure out what the aim of this vid is, so if you people could help me out, I'd appreciate it. Are we supposed to find it "funny" because A) it's poking fun at stereotypical straight couples *actually* acting like this and hence is commenting on how ridiculous that is what with the switching of the gender roles or B) it's "funny" because, haha, girls would *never* send their boyfriends flowers, or haha, girls would *never* get down on one knee and propose to their boyfriends, etc. I'm... not sure. Either way, I don't really find it an amusing vid, but, hey, that's just my opinion. :P

lovely ladies, teh great gay!, books and books!, fandom: legend of the seeker, meme: fandom, fandom: once upon a time, otp: trueloveskiss

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