Who did the... thing?

Mar 04, 2013 13:58

▪ Watched first episode of Heading Out, caught up with OuAT, Glee made Quinntana happen and I laughed like nobody's business. (Although, can we appreciate that the first and only healthy sexual experience Quinn Fabray has had in her life was with another girl? Just sayin'~)

Game of Thrones shizzle:

This sums up Daenerys Targaryen pretty well, imo. :P

▪ As much as I love Emilia Clarke (and her face... and her eyebrows), this cracked me up, because -- well, people want Joffrey to be Lemongrab, but Daenerys basically filled that role in season 2: Adventure Time meets Game of Thrones.

▪ If you haven't watched this short film before, you definitely should! It's too cute. It's only 17 mins~

Study Debunks Notion that Men and Women Are Psychologically Distinct -- and the sky is blue, I'm tempted to add....

Two mom family drama The Fosters gets picked up -- am cautiously optimistic? Like, I'm not necessarily the biggest fan of the Lesbian Mum-theme, but that doesn't mean it can't be awesome! Let's see!

Doctor Who: Sue Perkins subject of female Doctor campaign -- *raises hand* I like this.

▪ I'm sure there is some clever remark or observation to be made here, but I think I'll just leave this as it is:

▪ Meme shamelessly nicked from Tumblr:

Name a character and I'll rate them as being:
not my type | alright | cute | adorable | hot | sexy | LORD MERCY

teh great gay!, fandom: btvs, fandom: glee, meme: fandom, ... rec [misc.], fandom: game of thrones

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