You don't have to use your charm, you don't have to break my arm

Jan 28, 2013 20:18

Wanted to welcome new friends, so, *waves*, hello, come in. :)

-Comment with "Freaky Foes"
-I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
-Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
-Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions. (Only if you want to.)

Questions asked by netgirl_y2k.

5 questions! )

meme: fandom, meme: c'est moi

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Comments 32

hoshinekoyasha January 28 2013, 19:41:08 UTC
Freaky foes.


hyena_gal January 28 2013, 20:07:01 UTC
1. Do you have a favourite band? If not, what kind of music do you like?
2. Which villain from literature/a movie/a show do you relate most to?
3. Top 3 movies that influenced you in one way or another?
4. If you could name a flower, what would you call it and why?
5. Your biggest pet peeve?


hoshinekoyasha January 28 2013, 20:35:32 UTC
1. Florance and the machine. I like fantasy music liek that. I like india pop and hard rock and top 40.

2. All of the misunderstood ladies~ None of them come too close to me though (considering Ive never destroyed the world/killed anyone..) but I like Mele from Gekiranger a lot since she does bad things but she's never really evil.

3. I'm not a big movie person..I cant even think of one movie that has influenced me. I dont learn anything from movies.

4. i would call it something that sorta describes it so people would remember the name.

5. sexist/annoying guys. Saying really inappropriate stuff.
angry drivers...
and when people start talking behind other people backs because I have problems with adding in a comment as well before i can stop myself... (its something im working on)


hyena_gal January 28 2013, 22:02:38 UTC
I love Florence and the Machine. :3

Give it time~ But, yeah, misunderstood women own a big part of my heart!

Ah, okies!

That's a good way of approaching the naming task. ;)

Sexist/annoying guys should all jump into a lake and never resurface, imo. :P


lyryk January 28 2013, 20:09:40 UTC
Thankfully I haven't come across the turning-a-queer-character-straight thing in any of my recent fandoms but yeah, it's dreadful when that happens. :-/

Why can't we have tons of girls taking off their tops and turning into wolves?


Also: Freaky foes! :-D


hyena_gal January 28 2013, 20:22:06 UTC
I've seen them here and there (not many, but still) and I just steer clear of them. ;P

1. Which book could you reread over and over again and not get tired of?
2. What is your least favourite song? A song that's sure to make you go 'nope!'?
3. Do you have a pairing you're embarrassed to admit you enjoy/like together?
4. If you didn't have to worry about working for a living, what would you do?
5. If you had to describe yourself in five words, which would they be?


lyryk January 28 2013, 21:52:16 UTC
Me too. :-/

Awesome questions, thank youuuuuu! Will post the answers when I update my journal next. (I kind of like to put various things into one post so that I don't spam my flist.)


hyena_gal January 28 2013, 21:59:41 UTC
No problem! :)

Oh, awesome! Will look forward to reading them! ;)


majorrogue January 28 2013, 20:26:19 UTC
i agree with you on no.4 and no.5!

and "Freaky Foes" yo!


hyena_gal January 28 2013, 20:38:50 UTC
1. What is one of your favourite videogames?
2. What is your preferred climate?
3. If you were a mythical creature, which would you be?
4. If you had to pick between being able to see or being able to hear, which would you pick?
5. Are you a procrastinator or do you get things done early?


tiny_white_hats January 30 2013, 05:56:03 UTC

Freaky foes!

As for #2 on your list, I've seen it more than I would've expected with Tara in Buffy fandom. At the same time, I see BtVS fans interpreting canon straight characters as homosexual much more often than the other way around, but maybe that's not the case in other fandoms.


hyena_gal January 30 2013, 16:17:31 UTC
Tara was a character I had in mind when I wrote about it! :P I think people should feel free to ship whatever they want -- but when it comes to canonical queer characters being 'straightened out', I kind of end up being a grumpy lesbian. :P But I mostly have a problem with the 'pffft, this character was never gay/queer to begin with, they just needed a Straight Love Interest!' Those fic can go jump in a river.

1. What has been one of the happiest moments in your life?
2. What is, in your opinion, a fanfic that everyone should read because it's just that great?
3. If you could meet a historical figure, no matter whether they're dead or alive, who would you pick?
4. Three OTPs that you'll ship forever and ever till the day you die?
5. If you could be any type of animal, what would you be and why?


tiny_white_hats January 30 2013, 22:14:14 UTC
Here are my answers, and I'll post them to my journal shortly!

1. I don't have a specific moment in mind for this, but my younger sister has had a lot of health problems over the past couple of years, so any moment when I get to spend time with her and my even younger brother is always happy.

2. There's so many good fanfics out there, but one of my favourites is probably Culture Vultures by Yahtzee ( yahtzee/insect/insectfic/CultureVultures/CVIndexPage.html) because it's Willow, Oz, and Faith in a museum, post Chosen. It's wonderful.

3. Alice Paul or Hillary Clinton, because I really admire them and their politics.

4. Willow/Oz, from BtVS, Dean/Cas, from Supernatural, and probably Harry/Ginny, from Harry Potter, because I shipped them before I'd even heard of shipping or fandom.

5. I would be an owl, because I'm a night person and I've always wished I could fly. Alternately, I'd be an otter, because otters are, scientifically speaking, the


hyena_gal January 30 2013, 23:01:59 UTC
1. *nods* Family is important...

2. Oh, Yahtzee! She's one of the old-school BFNs in BtVS fandom. :P I've read fics of hers, she's great.

5. You could be a mix? ;) An ... owtter? :P


escritoireazul February 1 2013, 03:49:24 UTC
Why can't we have tons of girls taking off their tops and turning into wolves?

YES PLEASE! The world needs far more of this. (Which is why I write queer female werewolves, personally.)


hyena_gal February 1 2013, 14:17:44 UTC
*purrs~* I approve. :3


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