You don't have to use your charm, you don't have to break my arm

Jan 28, 2013 20:18

Wanted to welcome new friends, so, *waves*, hello, come in. :)

-Comment with "Freaky Foes"
-I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
-Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
-Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions. (Only if you want to.)

Questions asked by netgirl_y2k.

1. If you could commit one crime without fear of consequence what would you do?

Hmm... murder. I'd murder all my flatmates, because 1) there's too many of them and 2) they're too goddamn noisy, and if there's one thing I can't deal with it's unnecessary noise. :3 (And I've just made myself out to be a complete sociopath, haven't I? ... Don't hate me, I swear I'm a nice person. Just not... when I have to deal with noisy people.)

2. What's the fandom, pairing or trope that you least understand the appeal of?

Awh gawd... uhm... there's a lot of things I don't understand why people like them, be it tropes or pairings, but to narrow it down to one thing... it'd have to be the cases of 'Canon Queer Character Turns Straight and Is Shipped With the Main Character of X Fandom'. I don't really mind people shipping whatever they want -- 'ship and let ship' is my motto -- but when you go out of your way to pick a gay/lesbian character and you make them turn '"straight", all in order for you to pair them up with the main character of the opposite sex is just.... no. Go away.

3. Do you have any skills that would be useful in a post-apocalyptic dystopia?

*laughs* Nope. Not really. :P I guess I'm good at keeping a clear head, so that could come in handy?

4. Vampires or werewolves?

Well, I've been obsessed with werewolves as well as vampires, so... this is kind of a tough decision. But when it comes down to it, I guess I'll pick vampires. Why? Too many cases of 'buff guys taking off their shirts and turning into wolves' for my liking when it comes to werewolves. Why can't we have tons of girls taking off their tops and turning into wolves? :c

5. Which Game of Thrones house would you be in?

*ponders* I guess I'd... be a Targaryen. Dragons and madness sounds like good entertainment. :P

meme: fandom, meme: c'est moi

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