And wash away the past tense

Jan 04, 2013 17:10

▪ So, am I the only one who's been watching Jormungand? Because if that's the case - why? I really don't want to jinx it, but thus far this anime has been like a beautiful shiny diamond! A show with quite a number of females, all in positions of power who pass the three rule Bechdel test? A show that respects them? A show where women are just as ( Read more... )

teh great gay!, fandom: [videogame] corpse party, books and books!, fandom: [anime] jormungand, .. fanart/fanvid/fanmix, fandom: merlin, fandom: bomb girls, cracks me up

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Comments 15

hbics January 4 2013, 17:17:21 UTC
Kate/Betty 5evar and Gladys as their platonic (sex is optional) life partner.

I really loved the first episode of the season. I need to write up my reaction post.

I also really liked Gladys and the new guy she's been interacting with.


hyena_gal January 4 2013, 18:04:38 UTC
\o/ I just really like these girls. I just want all of them to stay together!

Do eetttt, do eetttt! :D

Yeah, me too! :) I'm definitely interested in seeing more.


majorrogue January 5 2013, 20:27:30 UTC
i cant be the only pther person to like merlin??!?! lol! gotta say i don't actually know any of the song in the fanmix, but i have downloaded it and so far the first one is pretty good for morgana! :D

don't you just love bomb girls!!! :D i am loving betty and im really interested to see where her story and her and kate's story goes! and of course they both have 2 secrets together now!!!

and as there are 12 episodes this season it will be even better! :D

also made myself a betty icon too! :D it had to be done!


hyena_gal January 5 2013, 20:35:51 UTC
*laughs* No, more meant as I know you'd appreciate stuff with Morgana - I'm not even sure who else watches Merlin from my flist. :P Oh goodies~ :)

Oh, Betty is just awesome~ I don't want anything bad to happen to her. Yeah, exactly - I'm interested in seeing where they are going to head with this. :) I secretly hope that Betty's beard is queer too, so they can support each other - that'd the ideal situation, imo. Otherwise someone is going to end up with hurt feelings.

Haha, I should find myself a Bomb Girls icon too! ;)


majorrogue January 5 2013, 22:09:43 UTC
i appreciate ALL morgana things!! :D

i'm sure i'd be stoned for it if it got out but i want to see how they're going to do Betty trying to pretend she's straight!! sounds silly i guess but it seems a different angle on it to me! maybe beacuse it's the 40's and if it comes out it is SO less acceptable than now days!! I'm not sure that makes sense, but anyway!! lol!!

i thought that about Ivan too, but.... i don't thank they'll do it :( but he seems nice so he might be "okay" with her not wanting him!!??


hyena_gal January 5 2013, 22:16:37 UTC
Morgana all the way!

Oh, absolutely! She really can't be completely open in any way - that's why it's so important she has a friend like Gladys who likes her no matter what her sexuality is. Betty/Gladys friendship 5evar! Where they're going to go with Kate and Betty is what will be really exciting to see - if they are going to end up together or be close friends or what.

Maybe - only way we'll find out is if we keep watching. :)


hoshinekoyasha January 5 2013, 20:48:08 UTC
I've seen a couple eps of Jormungand. The body uard lady was crazzzy.

love this song


hyena_gal January 5 2013, 20:53:00 UTC
Watch all the episodes! All of them! I have a soft spot for Valmet, ngl.

Watch Jormungand: New Order too! I haven't watched the last two episodes, but will soon.


hoshinekoyasha January 5 2013, 21:29:23 UTC
Well since Im sick and stuck at home anyway... im watching ep 6


hyena_gal January 5 2013, 21:33:54 UTC

(Get well soon, tho.)


Re: Bomb Girls femme_slash_fan March 4 2013, 18:45:55 UTC
Oh that is so a spoiler for me...

and I LOVE IT.


Re: Bomb Girls hyena_gal March 4 2013, 18:50:35 UTC
Lol, how so? ;) Whether Kate returns to the factory or how?


Re: Bomb Girls femme_slash_fan March 12 2013, 18:00:09 UTC
I haven't seen any of S2 yet (but it's made me so freaking BOUNCY I totally don't even care).


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