And wash away the past tense

Jan 04, 2013 17:10

▪ So, am I the only one who's been watching Jormungand? Because if that's the case - why? I really don't want to jinx it, but thus far this anime has been like a beautiful shiny diamond! A show with quite a number of females, all in positions of power who pass the three rule Bechdel test? A show that respects them? A show where women are just as dangerous as men are? This anime is like a unicorn! I definitely recommend it. Oh, also, there's a lesbian bodyguard who is awesome, so yay~
[These two life ruiners, seriously~]

▪ I've been kind of really addicted to the Corpse Party games recently! Anyone play them? Because you should. They're really entertaining. And I guess I'm a bad person for finding this as funny as I do - [kinda big spoiler] - but, hey, it's the truth. And my favourite character, too, of course. :P Looking forward to the anime which is in the works and the Book Of Shadows game! Excited~

Raymond Bell, Pastor of the Cowboy Valley Church of Virginia, Claims Stroking Horses Can 'Cure' Homosexuality - feel free to make up your own jokes about 'riding studs' and so forth.

▪ Seeing as Merlin is over, I thought I'd link to my Morgana fanmix which I made last year. It might be of interest to at least one person. *cough majorrogue cough*. ;)

▪ Finished reading The Rose and The Beast: Fairy Tales Retold by Francesca Lia Block (4.5 out of 5 stars) and The Two Princesses of Bamarre (4 out of 5 stars) by Gail Carson Levine.

▪ Bomb Girls. The first episode of season 2 and just whtowufoauifoghaoi~ Look at these precious bebes, just look:

Kate/Betty 5evar and Gladys as their platonic (sex is optional) life partner. OT3 right there!

teh great gay!, fandom: [videogame] corpse party, books and books!, fandom: [anime] jormungand, .. fanart/fanvid/fanmix, fandom: merlin, fandom: bomb girls, cracks me up

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