Then you told me, you told me everything

Jan 10, 2013 22:11

Dan Savage continues to be a problematic LGBT role model

On Azealia Banks and White Gay Cis Male Privilege - give this article a read. It talks about some important ignored aspects concerning the whole debacle.

▪ Warning: gore and chibis. Someone drew fanart of the fourth bad ending in Chapter 2 of Corpse Party: Blood Covered. I don't even particularly care for Yoshiki/Ayumi, but I still find this amusing. Look at his wittle face~

"Let's do the Sachiko Ever After Charm they said! We'll be friends forever they said!" This is actually a spot-on representation of what Corpse Party is about. :P Up shit creek with a very, very small paddle.

▪ This Corpse Party fanvid: [graphic images: if the title of the game didn't already give that away...]

image Click to view

teh great gay!, fandom: [videogame] corpse party, cracks me up, ... rec [fanart/fanvid]

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